Chapter 4: The Kiss

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lexi's POV

As Sophia walk into the living room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity. She seemed nervous, her eyes darting around the room as she greeted Carmen and I

"Good morning, Ms.," she said, her voice trembling slightly. I smiled softly, trying to put her at ease.

"You must be the new maid," I said, my eyes locked on hers. She nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Yes, Ms."

I walked towards her, my eyes never leaving hers. "Lexi is the name," I said, my voice gentle.

She looked away. "Sophia," she replied, her voice barely audible.

I felt a pang of interest. There was something about Sophia that drew me in, something that made me want to know more about her.

"Why did you choose to be a maid?" I asked, my voice probing but gentle. She looked up at me, her eyes flashing with a hint of fear.

"I need the money, for my family," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. I nodded, my eyes never leaving hers.

"Family? What about your family?" I asked, my voice soft but persistent. She looked away, her eyes welling up with tears.

"My mom has cancer, and she needs money for chemotherapy. I had to take this job to raise the money for her treatment," she said, her voice cracking.

I felt a surge of compassion, my heart going out to this young woman who was struggling to make ends meet. I walked towards her, my breath on her neck making her flinch.

"Oh, I see. How much is the money for the chemotherapy?" I asked, my voice gentle but probing.

She looked up at me, her eyes flashing with a hint of fear. "Ten thousand dollars," she replied, her voice barely audible.

Just then, Carmen walked towards us, her voice dripping with disdain. "Ahhhhh, I hope you're not about to do what I think you're thinking of, plus why are you so close to the maid? That's disgusting, honey. She's a peasant, can't you see?"

I turned to her, my voice firm but gentle. "It's not fair to call someone a peasant. She's also human, you know."

Carmen rolled her eyes and kissed me on the lips. "Alright, let's go shopping." And with that, we left the room, leaving Sophia looking uncomfortable and uneasy.

"I don't like the way you behave" I said to Carmen standing in the middle of my room.

"What don't you like the fact that I called Sophia what she is, yes she is just a maid and a peasant" Carmen said wearing her earrings

It took all the strenth in me not to slap her but I have to be the gentle woman that I am and hold my self.

"I am ready, let go" she said with so much joy in her voice.

"I'm not going to engage in an argument with you, Carmen," I said, my voice calm but firm. "But I will say this: Sophia may be a maid, but she's a human being with a story and struggles. We should treat her with respect and kindness, not disdain and condescension."

Carmen rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Whatever, Lexi. You're so soft-hearted. Let's just go shopping and forget about the help, shall we?"

I nodded, knowing that arguing with Carmen would only lead to more tension. But I made a mental note to keep an eye on how she treated Sophia and others in the household. Her behavior was unacceptable, and I wouldn't stand for it. I might be a dangerous person but even dangerous people have a soft heart

As we left the room, I caught Sophia's eye and gave her a gentle smile. I hoped she knew that I was on her side, and that I would do my best to make her feel welcome and valued in our home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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