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30 minutes it took for Roscoe to reach the Private jet charter. It probably would've been shorter if he didn't keep falling asleep every 3 minutes. "Stop falling asleep we are almost there damn" I smacked his shoulder

"I mean it is past my bed time" He replied back sarcastically

"Oh shut up we here already" I gave him a smug look

"Whoopie" He cheered rolling his eyes, he stopped the car

I got out the car and grabbed my suitcase and bag.  San Diego I'm on my way.


We have reached our destination. The heat and palm trees I miss it. Same time I don't. My house here was a mansion, nothing serious I just got fucking money.

I walked to my front door and unlocked it. "Home sweet home"

The time here was 6:38 A.M, we were in Maryland so they are 3 hours ahead of San Diego.

I put my suitcase in the living room. "Memories"

"I'm going to sleep, Later on we will take a trip to the place.. Right now I'm tired and going to sleep" I said going up the stairs, as I looked back Roscoe was knocked out on the couch. I rolled my eyes good fucking night.





"Are you going to talk" I held the gun to his head




That's how many seconds went by. He was tied to the chair and couldn't move. His mouth wasn't gagged cause he needed to tell me what I wanted to know. His face was emotionless but I know he is scared shitless on the inside.

He was just pissing me off sitting there and staring at me. I also kept my face emotionless. The rage deep inside me was blazing. I want to kill this man in front of me. The happiness and joy I get from killing people is just so amazing. I laughed silently to myself. Just thinking about the bullet going straight through his skull makes me jolly inside.

"You know what is fun?" I showed him a crooked smile

"What" His face looked bored, but his body was telling a different story - he was tense and his pupils were dilated

"Thinking of all the ways I can kill you" I laughed

He looked at me and his face showed true horror. "I'm not ready to die" He whispered to himself over and over again.

"So tell me what I would like to know" I put the gun in front of me on the table

"The money has been disappearing from the safe - I honestly don't know who is taking it out I tried to investigate but I didn't find anything" He breath out

I look at him in the face. His face twitched and a look of horror flashed on his face but was gone at once. I slowly picked the gun back up. His shoulders were tense and pupils were still dilated. He's lying. I hate liars.

My face scrunched up and I stood up from my seat. "Why are you lying"

"What? -I"m not lyin-" He didn't finish his sentence, I shot one in the air

"You know what I don't like? Liars" I walked around the table towards him "The last person that lied to me.. Well he's not with us anymore is he?" I giggled

"Ok -Alright I didn't steal your money but I believe that Dalanie had something to do with it"

"Dalanie?" I nodded

"Yes the girl you recruited two months ago..I believe that she's been working with someone else too on the outside" He shrugged

"Oh this is good now I have a reason to kill anything else?" I smiled wickedly

"I swear that is all I know! Please just don't kill me.. I have a family" He whispered

I stood behind him and put the gun to his head, I lowered my head towards his ear"Honestly I shouldn't let you live..I should just take this gun and shoot you twice in the head.." I chuckled lightly and put the gun to his head "You shouldn't worry about your family"

"Why?" He turned his head towards me

"I killed them all"

Bang , bang

Lights out nigga

His body fell limp in front of me, blood was all over the table in front of him. What a waste. I smiled a sickly, dark smile. This never gets old.

I opened the door of the interrogation room, sticking my gun on my pants and walked out. Roscoe and Damon were standing by the door. Roscoe had a bored look on his face and Damon was just day - dreaming as always.

"Damon.. get them to come and clean this mess, his blood won't come out the carpet that easily - they might as well start now" I looked towards him - he nodded swiftly and walked out the door.

What I tell you? I don't play that dumb shit. Loyalty and trust are the biggest things you need in this life.

If you don't have that then what good are you to me?






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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2016 ⏰

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