Chapter 8: Kimberly

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So I definitely lied. I thought the first place in Bali that would see me was the bar, but I was wrong. After such a long flight, the first thing that was going to see me was my bed in the villa we'd rented for the week. I'd gotten as much sleep as I could have on the plane, but listen, even the seats in first class were uncomfortable. It was midday when we arrived at the luxurious stay, but my friends had the same thoughts as me. Sleep first, play later.

I wasn't one to get in bed with my outside clothes on, but the moment I stored my luggage and saw the comfy bed, the last thing on my mind was showering or changing my clothes. The only thing I thought to do was put my bonnet over my fresh knotless braids before I got under the covers and closed my eyes. Moments later, I felt a dip in the bed and that forced my eyes back open. It was Melody. She too had her bonnet on, and she made like she was getting ready to go to sleep.

"Do you mind if I nap in here with you? Ashanti and Kelendria are already knocked out in Ashanti's room."

"I don't care. Just don't be trying to feel on me," I said jokingly, and she laughed.

"You wish. You're not my type," she said and set an alarm on her phone. "I'm setting my alarm for eight o'clock so we can get up and go get drinks. That way you can tell me all about what's wrong with you."

"Why do you think something is wrong with me?" I asked, and she made a face.

"You've only been my best friend for over a decade. I definitely know when something isn't right with you. But don't tell me right now. I'm too tired to process anything."

Melody made sure that her phone was right next to her face on the pillow before she got more comfortable. The villa had four bedrooms, but us sleeping in the same room and bed wasn't out of the ordinary. In fact, a lot of times we piled up in one room and passed out wherever we felt like it. In our short stay together, we liked to spend as much time together as possible. I closed my eyes again and soon was fast asleep.

If I had dreams, I had no idea what they were about. What I did know was that when I heard the annoying beeping of Melody's alarm, I groaned. I was glad she grabbed it first because I had half a mind to throw the phone into the wall. I couldn't believe that it was eight o'clock already. It felt like all I'd done was blink. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to force the sleepiness away. Beside me, Melody stretched big with a yawn.

"Damn, that felt short as hell. Let me go get them up and take a shower," she said.

I nodded, and we both got out of bed. She left my room, and I grabbed a cute halter-top dress from my luggage along with some soap so that I could shower. The bathroom connected to my bedroom was so nice, and it had a window inside over the deep tub. The shower was off to the side and was made of brick. There were no curtains or sliding doors. It was all open. I turned on the hot water and stripped off all my clothing. Once I stepped in the steaming shower, I felt complete bliss as the water hit my skin. I could have stayed in there forever, except now that the more I woke up, the more I was ready for a drink.

My mind drifted to my husband, and I wondered how he and the girls were getting along. I'd talked to them once the plane landed and sent my love. However, I couldn't help but think that the trip was the perfect reason and excuse for Alex to be sneaky.

After I found the receipt for the hotel and for the flowers in his pocket, I had tried to come up with a game plan to catch him. However, if he really was cheating on me, he was being a smooth criminal. I'd checked both his phone and his computer yet had come up empty. He was either a professional cheater or I'd overreacted about the whole thing. Except I knew I hadn't. But there was nothing that I could do about it all the way in Bali. I'd have to wait until I got home.

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