authors note//

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okay, i just want to make it known that i am not in any way trying to romanticize the issues in this story. bullying, cutting, bulimia, or any other form of eating disorder/self harm are not good things and shouldn't be thought of lightly. i may not be in the best place to say anything, but if you are going through any of these, please please know it's better to stop.

the scars will always be there, being a reminder of those dark moments

you are actually harming your body by starving it of the nutrients it needs

bullies are assholes and you are way better than them, you don't need to rely on them to tell you your worth because you are worth a billion stars, not the hurtful words they say.

if you ever feel like you are alone, know your not. even if it's talking to me, i can count as your friend and you can message my anytime.

here are some things you could try and get into the habit of doing:

when you feel like cutting, put yourself next to either a family member or people in general and try and distract yourself with conversation
-or paint your nails
-play with an animal
-talk to someone about it
-listen to bastille forever and ever
-go on youtube (amazingphil is a cutie who can make anyone smile)

for any eating disorders, try looking at healthier alternatives to loosing a few pounds (but know your beautiful anyway)

-eat more fruits and vegetables
-drink PLENTY of water
-have fun with it and make a few smoothies (or go to a smoothie place)
-go for a run (don't over work yourself, just get your heart beating faster)
-go and play stuff outside and burn some calories
-set small goals to reach, and when you reach them, celebrate because you can
-you are you, you have your own body shape and whatnot, and it won't be the same as someone else. it's okay to have someone you look up to, but know that you won't be the same as them
-remember your health isn't always based on the size of your jeans.

okay just know i love you guys and want you to be okay. be safe <3

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