Chapter 14- The El-kabeer's 2

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This chapter is for you ZainabTijjanimarafa for always voting.

   I appreciate


   We were all seated in a very big dining table with different varieties of food.

    "Assalamualaikum, I'll like to thank all of you for leaving whatever behind and coming here and you know the saying family is above everything" She concluded, I think she's the twins mum because she's the same lady from yesterday.

    Everyone smiled and we started eating while the elder ones kept gisting here and there.

    Everyone was preoccupied In their plates and after some time when everyone was done.

   "So, I'll like to make an announcement for the first time in the El-kabeer family zaayi auren zumunci (Inter Family Marriage)" my heart skipped a beat when Baba said that, I'm sure he wants to bring on Azeez and hameedah's wedding.

   "I want Ameer to get married to Hamidah"
    Okay what? Ameer? That is Azeez's elder brother is it not?

  "Say what now?" Ameer turned

   "Yeah, you heard me right and I'm sure you are going to obey me"

   "But Baba , I want to marry Azeez because I love Azeez and I want to take care of Fay " Hameedah snapped in.

  I didn't even see her till now that she spoke.

    "Aunty Na'eema, you are the oldest here. I'ld like you to address this matter, my marriage is barely three months and they want me to remarry a girl that even if I were to spend a hundred years with, I'll never love her nor respect her nor give her anything a wife desires.
    If this bond is formed it'll spoil the relationship between Aunty Rahina (Hamidah's Mum) and my father. So please with all due respect address this issue " Azeez explained

    "I'll Marry her that's if she's willing to marry me, I'll treat her like a Queen that I give you my word"  Ameer snapped in giving assurance

    "Hamidah think about it if you are willing to give Ameer a chance then, if you are not willing to then find someone else" Aunty Na'eema concluded and by the looks of it since she's the eldest her words are being respected.

     "Alina right?" She said looking towards me which diverted almost everybody's attention on me

   "Yes" I answered simply.

"Welcome to the El-kabeer family"

"Thank you!"

     "Nadira, welcome to the El-kabeer family" She said looking at a young beautiful lady.

   "Thank you" Nadira answered smiling.

   "Everyone please move your clothes back to the mansion for you to know each other more and bond, this is only once in year. Make use of it". She said and exited the dinning room with Baba, Hamidah's Mum, And the two others.

    "Hi man, it's been long" He said shaking Azeez

    "Alina, this is Ridwan my younger brother and Ridwan this is my wife"

  ".....And Ridwan this is my wife, don't you think I already know that" Ridwan mimicked Azeez's voice

   "Hello Sister-in-law, I'm Ridwan the most handsome El-kabeer there ever is"

    "I'm not sure about that, look at me I'm the most handsome El-kabeer " I didn't know who he is but I'm sure he's either Murad or Mus'ain.

   I laughed at how they were behaving well it's not a lie, Ridwan is really charming and handsome and same goes for Mus'ain/ Murad (whoever it is).

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