Chapter 7- Cowardice

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I woke up in the morning and flashes from last night started returning, I've never seen her that angry before.
I did my morning business and dressed up in a plain jallabiya, I couldn't fathom what type of mood I'm in, I decided not to go to work today because I don't even know why to be honest.

I was walking downstairs when I saw her, this was the first time in a month that I am looking at her carefully.

She's pretty! I heard my subconscious said.

She's fair, she has a long nose, cute lips, has a cute dimple, average height, she was in a top and sweat pants and I hate to admit but babaa (guy) she has shape and her hair is not long ohh, it's average not short, it reaches her neck.

She was busy tidying up the living room because she gave the maid a day-off because the maid's mother was sick.

She turned to look at me before she continued her work.

I walked downstairs close to her.

“Can we talk?” I asked her

“I'm all ears” that was a rude reply but I continued anyways

“Let's be friends, at least if we want to take care of our daughter together”

She looked at me raising a brow.

“Our daughter, you say, I thought she was yours and fay’s. ”she said sarcastically

“Look it's just an offer, if you don't want it then..”

“Fine”she answered shortly.

I helped her tidy up a bit and we settled on hiring a cook because she was really awful at cooking even though she browses it everytime.

She made breakfast and we sat together at the dining to have it, it was just a simple yam and sauce.

“Alina” I decided to break the silence “Sorry for yesterday!”

“Uhm” She muttered but even She's still angry that's if was angry in the first place  I don't care at least I said sorry.

We ate peacefully and she cleared the table, I heard some noises in the kitchen and I knew she must be washing the dishes.

My phone rang though it was an unknown number, I picked up the call still.

“Azeez El-Kabeer listen to me carefully, I have your daughter!”

Did I hear him well, Fay is at my parent's house.

“You can see for yourself ” he said before switching it on video call

And I saw my daughter lying helplessly on the ground all tied up.

“Expect another call in five and you dare not include the police if not fate will repeat itself like mother like daughter” He said before hanging up.

And I heard the sound of glass shattering, it was Alina. She came out with a mug of coffee and I think she heard what the man said.

She ran closer to me and started crying.

I couldn't think of anything, is this Namadi's doing? Or how did he know know what happened to my wife.

“Stand up, we need to go and look for her” I heard Alina's voice

She quickly dialled my mother's number.

“Mama, where's fay?” She asked while she was crying.

From Mama's voice you know she has no idea where fay is.

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