t h i r t y - e i g h t

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The next few weeks I started to feel strange, and Negan seemed to notice that but he didn't seem to bothered about it. He had thrown the doctor into the fire on one of Eugene's first days here.

It had been a total of a month that I had lived here, which seemed mental, because two months ago I was out in the woods with Max and Diesel. Crazy shit happened then.

I whined as I sat up anxiously, I had also started up a daily habit of sleeping in Negan's bed, but so far he didn't seem too fussed by it.

I scratched at the quilt, and started digging at the mattress and pillows, making myself a nest. I let out another whine as I span round unsettled with how uncomfortable I felt.

I flopped down, burying myself between the pile I had made, satisfied with my actions.

Not even a minute later, Negan burst in through the door, instantly setting his eyes on me, and resting Lucille against his bedside table as he stares down at me.

"Since when did you earn the privilege to trash my bed whenever I'm out?" He questioned, and I just whined.

Negan let out huff of annoyance, before lightly nudging me off the bed, and he re made it, making it all neat again.

"Come on Finn, you, me and Lucille are going for a little stroll."

I just listen, keeping myself close to him, as we walked down the hallway to see a door open. Negan immediately bashed his bat off the door shouting, "David!"

I rush forward in seeing Sasha tied up, and I dart over, sniffing her over and licking her face to make sure she was okay, before turning and growling at the man who was in the room with her.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" He asked.

"Negan, sir-"

"Do you really think I need you to answer that? I can see that you're trying to rape this woman. You were trying to rape this woman, weren't you?"

Negan takes a threatening step towards David staring him down, "This is some unacceptable behaviour. Rape is against the rules here. I wouldn't want to be somewhere where it wasn't. Someone in charge who let something like that fly... Whew."

He pulls out a sharp knife, and David breathes uneasily, "David. You really crossed a line here."

"I'm sorry, sir." David replies shakily, only increasing my volume of growling.

Negan plunges the knife through David's throat mercilessly,  "You know what? I do not accept your apology."

He whistled to the man behind him, "Get, uh....," he paused gesturing to Sasha.

"Sasha" she said quietly.

"That is a beautiful name. Get Sasha here a new T-shirt. I'm sorry you had to see that." He says cautiously, crouching down and undoing the rope tied round who wrists.

"Sorry 'bout the rope, too. Probably overkill, but you did cause one hell of a fracas last night." He stands up. "Oh shit. I remember you. Yeah. You were there. Oh hell, I get it now. I got to hand it to you. You've got some beach-ball-sized lady nuts on you, coming in kamikaze like that.

Big question here, and I need the truth on this one... did Rick put you up to this?"

"Rick? Your bitch? No."

I lick Sasha's face, and she strokes my head for a second, before I trail out the room slowly, walking past saviours.

One of Negan's wives walked past, looking down at me, "My, you've gotten a significant amount larger round your stomach, there's no way that you're overweight because the rest of you is still small."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 13 ⏰

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