manicure (3)

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August 21, 2024
Hallstatt, Austria
8:03 PM

Taylor can't stop smiling. Her hands are shaking as she looks down, admiring the ring that has been placed upon her finger. "I can't believe you really did all of this," she says. "You really got me good."

"That's my job," he says, placing a kiss on the top of her head. "You know, you keep the whole rest of the world on their toes, so I've gotta keep you on yours. I can't let you get too powerful, can I?"

The superstar allows a little giggle to escape from between her lips. "You most certainly know how to make me the happiest girl in the whole wide world." She doesn't have to think twice about it: Travis has just given her the most incredible moment of her entire life. Each professional accomplishment she's had has been meaningful, but she's been at the top of the hill by herself. She's never had anyone to share those victories with. Now, she's going to. She has somebody who wants to be beside her for every win that's to come. "I love you, Trav. Thank you."

Just after she says that, she feels her phone begin to vibrate in her pocket. She grabs it and holds it up for Travis to see. "Britt's calling."

"We should answer it," he laughs, rubbing her back right between her shoulder blades. Taylor snakes her free hand around Travis's waist and with her other hand, answers the FaceTime, holding out her phone so that her and Travis can both be seen in the frame.

"Taylor!" Brittany squeals, as soon as the call connects. "Travis, oh my god. We're so happy for you guys." On Taylor's phone screen, Brittany and Patrick are sitting beside each other on the sofa, smiles pasted on both of their faces.

As her friend is speaking, Taylor's face flushes red, not with embarrassment but with sheer joy and giddiness. She just can't believe that this is all real, that it's happening and that she's lucky enough to have it happen to her. She always thought that this was the sort of thing that only happened to other people. To women like Brittany, who started dating Patrick when she was only in high school, sure. And of course, to women like Blake, who in spite of being only two years older than Taylor, sometimes feels worlds more mature. She always seems to have everything all figured out, has the answers to every problem.

"Thanks for keeping my secret, Britt," Travis laughs. "Tay told me that you threw her off of her trail of clues when she started to get onto me with that manicure I scheduled for her."

Brittany only nods. "I had to do what I had to do to see my girl that smiley. It was a great surprise that you pulled off." She leans her head onto Patrick's shoulder. "Tay, can we see that gorgeous ring again?"

Of course, Taylor happily obliges to this request. She holds up her left hand, showing off the ring as it glistens in the last bit of sunlight of the day.

"It's so gorgeous," Brittany gushes.

"Hey, Trav," Patrick adds in, not too into the sappiness and squealing of it all, but never without a joke, "remember when you first told me you'd pulled Taylor Swift and I told you that you'd better not fuck it up?"

"How could I ever forget?" Travis chuckles.

"You did good, man."

All four of the adults share a laugh as Travis places his hand on Taylor's head and pulls it into his chest, lightly stroking her hair. "She's the best thing that ever happened to me. Even all the way back then, I'd have been remiss to not know that."

"Hey, listen," Brittany says, "we're going to let you two go enjoy your evening, but we just wanted to send our congratulations your way. Tay, let's get together once you're back in KC, okay?"

"Totally," Taylor smiles. "I miss you and your little squishes. Tell them Auntie Taylor and Uncle Travis say hi. We'll talk to you guys later."

The two couples exchange their goodbyes and hang up the call, then Taylor takes a deep breath, breathing in the lake air. The breeze blows her hair as she reaches up and rubs her bare arms.

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