who are we to fight the alchemy

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alchemy (noun)

1. a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base mentals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life

2. a power or process that changes or transforms something in a mysterious or impressive way

3. an inexplicable or mysterious transmuting

She'd never meant to fall so hard. Not when her world looked the way it did. She'd wake up each day and feel the earth spinning on its axis, a repercussion of the entire bottle of white wine she'd consumed the night before, a sort of sacred ritual that was becoming her undoing. It made her head pound, made her heart feel as though it was going to beat right out of her chest. It wasn't something she was ever proud of; it was a demon that ate away at her insides, and she knew it better than anyone. But that demon became her friend. It was the only thing that could turn it all off sometimes, giving her the peace she'd yearned for. The voices in her head were silenced by the alcohol. The voices on the internet didn't matter when masked by a buzz of fermentation.

It'd been one of those nights when she'd even agreed to meet him in the first place. She wasn't thinking straight as she'd forwarded him her address and told him she'd be waiting.

It didn't take him half an hour until he was on her doorstep.

A few months in, she finds herself more in love than she's ever felt before. The haze of intoxication has been replaced with a shimmering layer of love, marked by sparkling golden glitter and the freshly cut flowers he makes sure to fill the vase on the kitchen counter with once a week.

Though she swore she'd never fall in love again, she's fallen deeper than she's ever fallen. She's spending her days in a city she never thought she'd yearn to call home. The wind runs through her hair like freedom as she sits in the passenger seat of his convertible, not a care in the world for the first time since she was sixteen.

It feels so right, every step of it. She likes that he lets her live her life on her own terms, that he does what he can to fit into her life instead of forcing her into the mold of his. He doesn't hide her away, exiling her to a home tucked behind the walls of a stone fortress. She gets to feel the sun on her face, bringing the color back into her cheeks.

She'd been weary at first, waking up the next morning to find him beside her, clad in nothing but her lace bralette. But as it happened time and again, she grew to relish in those moments, her body pressed against his as his ribs softly expand and contract with each breath. With time came liberation from the thoughts in head, screaming this was a bad idea, that she was just going to be hurt again. As those calls were muffled, eventually into silence, there came the exoneration of those who had put them there. Who had planted the seeds of fear in the garden of her mind. She was able to begin to recall the memories of their time together with a soft smile, one of nostalgia but not a drop of yearning for what once was.

She'd truly thought, on that first night, that it would have been nothing more than a one night stand, or perhaps a sneaky link for a month or two. But as she got to know him as a person, as the gentleman he truly is, not just a body or a convenience, her feelings changed nearly overnight. His love became a drug; she became an addict.

Now, she's at the side of a man who makes her absolutely happier than she's ever been. He brings clarity into a world where she feels so confused so much of the time. When there's so many questions rattling around inside of her skull that nobody ever has the answers to as she's climbing through the thick jungles of uncharted territory, it's nice to have the stability that he brings her. He juxtaposes everything she brings to the table- the instability, the constant worry and dread. He's got an air of confidence about him that tells her without a word that everything is going to be okay.

So no, they weren't supposed to be a great love at the beginning. But they've become the sort of love that people spend their whole lives dreaming about. They've become a timeless symbol of two souls that were made to meet and mesh together, forming one.

They started with two lonely, lost hearts, wandering through the village looking to meet their match. Four eyes, searching and scanning the crowds in search of a companion, a hand to hold on the highest and lowest of days.

And upon finding each other, they found a natural chemistry between them, one that was able to create magic out of the ordinary, the mundane. It happened faster than either of them would have ever imagined- too quickly to fight back, keep either of them from falling down the slippery slope of infatuation. It was like one day, they woke up with a mystical glow about them.

From then on, she couldn't keep her eyes off of him, he couldn't keep his hands off of her. It was one day, a few days short of four months after their first night together, when they were sitting on the sofa together and she turned to him, stars sparkling behind her electric blue eyes. "You know," she said, "we did what they were never able to do all those years ago. When the con-mans used to say that they'd be able to take the regular, every day metals and turn them into gold. They never did it. They never could."

"But we did," he nods, placing a kiss on the top of her head. "We made gold with just the two of us, baby girl."

She smiles. "A sparkling sunlight that's full of glitter and warmth and the happiness of a summer day. That's what we are."

"And it's what we'll be forever," he tells her. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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