the guy on the chiefs

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It's a sparkling and brilliant kiss she'll never forget. Rather chaste, it's far from the make-out session that they had earlier in the day, before the eyes of the world were watching, but this kiss is filled with passion. The kind of kiss where he plays with the ends of her curly hair and she throws her arms around his neck, having to stand up on her tippy toes to reach, even if her boots do give her a couple extra inches of height. In a state of bliss, it's one of the biggest moments of his life. Taylor knows that, a smile unable to leave her face as she stands on the field, surrounded by people. She loves that it's all about him right now, all about the team. It's not about her. For once, she's not Taylor Swift. She's Taylor. Taylor who is dating Travis Kelce, Taylor who is just really proud of the man that she loves. Though Taylor has spent a lot of energy ensuring that she isn't seen as the girl who is a serial dater and needs a man to be happy, she has found that sometimes, she really does like to just get to be the girlfriend. To get to participate in something because it makes him happy. She doesn't always need to be Taylor Swift.

"Hey," he murmurs into her hair, his grasp firmly resting on the back of her ribcage, his hands lightly squeezing her through her sweater. He locks eyes with his dad and a smile grows on his face. She stands there watching, feeling one of his hands traveling down and resting on the small of her back. She expects him to let her go at some point. She's ready to step away, to give him his moment with his father- one of the most important people who molded Travis into who he is today. Yet, she never feels his hand leave her body. Even as she tries to take a step to the side, he presses into her back a bit more, indicating that he doesn't want her to go anywhere. As he pulls his dad into a hug, it's with only one arm. The other, is still with her.

Once he's celebrated the moment with Ed, he turns his attention back to her, pulling her so close that she can feel his heavy breaths on her face. "Hi, Sweetie. Did you have a good time?"

Her eyes absolutely light up at the thought of it all. "It was incredible. Amazing."

His skin is sticky and he smells of sweat, but she doesn't care as she buries her face in his chest, just wanting to be close to him. She's never been so proud of somebody as she is of him right in this moment. Taylor has been absolutely honored to be let into his life, to have a front row seat this season. She got to see just how much it takes to get to this point. As somebody who'd never had much interest in sports until she was dating Trav, she'd never known before, just how much time is spent at practice. She'd had no idea how much pain was involved, physically, mentally, and emotionally. He's made so many sacrifices, all because of his dedication to his craft.

In all honesty, she didn't think this moment would actually come. She knows how incredibly rare it is for a team to go to the Super Bowl two years in a row. She heard them say over the loudspeaker as she was sneaking through the back tunnels of the stadium to get down to the field that the last time it happened was in 2003 and 2004. Still, Travis has had his eyes set on the gold this season. She knows he's been talking about it, telling her how incredible it would be, if she could be in the stands and watch him playing at the biggest game. One night, as they were talking about it as they snuggled on the sofa, he had held her hand and promised her that he wouldn't retire until she was able to experience it, just once. Even if it took him ten more years of playing. She'd just laughed and shook her head at the time. A Super Bowl, or even a playoff game, is never guaranteed for a team. But, here they are. Her first season being part of the team, and they've made it all the way to the top. She is standing beside him on the field, joining in on a celebration that is unlike anything she's ever experienced before.

A little voice in the back of her head wonders if she should be feeling guilty. Travis has just won the game; he's officially going to the Super Bowl. And she's the first person he ran to. He wanted to have her in his arms, have her lips pressed against his, right away. Yet, of all of his people who are down on the field, she's the one who has been in his life for the shortest amount of time. They haven't even been dating for a year yet. She wasn't Ed, who'd spent endless hours playing catch with him in the backyard of their Cleveland house. She wasn't Donna, driving him to every game, every practice, and always having freshly baked cookies ready for when he needed a pick-me-up after a hard day. She wasn't Jason, helping him to find his feet and pull through when he was in college and thought that he'd lost everything.

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