truth dare spin bottles

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this chapter is a 3am delirium that i made on my 3am delirium

all the girls agreed to take a shot before playing a game to, in speak now's words "get in the aura", they all did it and now it was folklore's turn

-you know, im not allowed to drink- she said

-no one here is folk- rep answered

-but what if my mom figures out-

-its like a common parent thing to pretend they dont know that we drink but they do, just take it-

-if you say so- she took it, and then she coughed repetitively - omg this is more bitter of what i imagined

-well, now we can play-

-to what?- evermore

-dk some cringy game like spin the bottle-

-spin the bottle? i would like to see your reaction when lover get to kiss someone else- midnights laughed

-i have a, uhm, party games app? i dont know, we download it with fearless one time- 1989 said

-that day was so fun, we should play- fearless added 

They decided to play since the only objetive was to get drunk. The app was mix of questions, never have i ever, dares and those thing. Lover was the one reading the categories and after the first round they all were so into the game that laughed at every answer. The bottle was half empty at this point.

-okay, 1989 your turn- Lover said with a suspense voice

she thought a little and then she said while laughing

-never have i ever failed a test because i thought that France was in Africa-

-hey!- Rep screamed

-and at 16 years old, take your shot reputation-

-if we are playing like this, never have i ever thought i lost my cat and put annouces for all the neighborhood to end up being sleeping under my bed-

-never have i ever pee myself because i was so into a dream that i didnt realize, at 15-

-never have i ever dreamed of kissing the girl i proclaim to hate- Rep put a hand on her mouth after saying that- im sorr-

-im going to kill you rep- she stod up

-no, 1989, look me in the eyes- she stod up too- im sorry, im so

1989 started runing trying to catch her, while Rep was still screaming "im sorry, im sorry"

-okay so that was a discovery- midnights was in a kind of shoking state, did that mean she had a chance with 1989?

-LET ME IN!- a scream was heard coming from another room

-no, Nine please, it just slip out of my mouth, she probably wont remember tomorrow-

-No! Let Me In-

-Nine, no, please, i swear that if you punch me i would do it too-

-agh okay, come out, im not going to do anything-

Rep came out of the room- so all ok?- 1989 nooded and they went back to the living room

Everyone kept playing untill the bottle was empty. The tension between 1989 and Midnights could be cut with a knife, at this point it was obvious that they couldnt keep playing the "rivals" role.

-Lets watch a movie!- Lover exclaimed

-YES, a superheros one!- debut proposed

-No i hate that, lets watch a romcom- speak now added

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