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a week after


"you're so pretty" Rep said and then stucked her toung in my mouth again

So, basically we are kinda of hooking up since summer but we just dont define it as a relationship. In this exact moment Rep had all of her body leaning on the school bathroom sink and I was kissing her neck

"Oh my god Lover"
"You like it, Reppy?"
"It's so hot when you call me like that, you are so hot"
"You too"

My hand landed between her legs and i started moving it up and down

"This is, ah, is so, ah, Lover, LOVER"
"I really want to keep doing this but i heard the bell ring twice and i think someone could see us"
  "Oh" i said "well se you later"


At 11:53 i got a text from Lover

Lover💕: so, uhm, today after school my house is empty, i mean, if you want to come

Rep: YES
Rep:i mean, sure, cool, okay

Lover💕: dont pretend you're not dying to see me

Rep: im not

Lover💕:you are

Rep:maybe just a little but dont tell anyone

Lover💕: you're a softie


Lover💕:i know you like to pretend you're this bad mysterious girl but you are actually a softie and a bottom

Rep:shut up

Lover💕:its the true

Rep:just for you

Lover💕:I love having that privilege

"Who are you talking with?" 1989 asked
"No one"
"Omg you have her as Lover with hearts beside her name?"
"NO, you are seeing wrong"
"Girls, shut up, im trying to focus" ferless told us
"Since when do you care about biology?" I asked
"Since Debut is in our class giving a presentation" 1989 answered
"Its not for that, i really need to understand this" fearless replied
"Yeah? So what was she saying?" 1989 asked
"Something about the digestive system?"
"Literally says "brain cells" in the board, you are not paying atetion"
"Yes i am"
"Yeah, atetion at debut's lips" i said
"Just, let me alone" fearless said and went back to looking debut's "presentation"


"No debut i cant go"
"Whyy? Lover already let me alone because she is going to fuck her girlfriend and now you are leaving me too?"
"Not my gf" lover interruped
"Try saying it without talking to her at the same time" i said
Lover didnt answer and continued talking to rep on her phone
"So, why you cant come to my house?" Debut asked
"I have math i cant leave"
"Why not, you already come to school more hours because of math, cant you skip it one day?"
"No, i cant"
"Midnights its literally advanced math, you're smart enough, pleasee, just today, i want to hang out with you two"
"Im sorry debut, but i really cant, and not just for me, i cant levae 1989 alone, we ar-"
"Oh, so this is for her?" Debut said "you rader be with that girl that with me?" She pretended to be mad
"You know we have to prepare for the olympiads"
"I hate you both, i hope you're girlfriends die so you can spend time with me"
"Not my gf" lover said in automatic mode
"And 1989 is totally not my gf"
"You still rader hang out with her than with me" she went back to pretending she was so hurt
"Come on Debut, we can hang out tomorrow"
"Agh, okay"


I was sad and alone and depressed and also betrayed by my two friend that rather spend time with other girls than with me when i saw fearless going inside the coffe shop

"Hi" she said
"Oh, hi fearless"
"What are you doing here alone?"
"Being depressed about the fact my friends leave me"
"What? Why would they do that?"
"Oh, yeah, actually, same"
"Yeah Rep and 1989 leaved me"
"you are friends with the girls my friends leaved me for?"
"And you, uhm, are the same thing you just said?"
"I guess yes"
"Omg, thats so fun"
"Sorry but, can i sit?"
"Oh, yes, yes, of course, sorry"
"so are you friends with Lover?"
"Sorry to say this but, does she does the same thing that rep does, wich is, telling they're not gf but talk to and about her all the time?"

We laughed a little bit

"So, you came here alone too?"
"Oh no, im waiting for some friends"
"But you should come with us, they will probably like you"
"Yeah, i mean, if i like you, they probably like you too"

She just say she likes me? marry me already
Wait what?

"Oh look, there they are!" Fearless called her friends and they came to our table "hiii"
"Hi fearless" a blond girl with a purple dress said "and you are?"
"She is Debut" Fearless introduced me "debut, they are speak now" She pointed to the girl in the purple dress "and Red" she pointed to the other girl
"Hi Debut, nice to meet you" Red said
"Nice to meet you too"

We talked for a while and i discover that we got along pretty well

"Did he really do that?"
"YES, CAN YOU BELIVE IT?" Red said "like he literally stoled it, it was my scarf"
"You have told that story so many times, get over it Red" Speak now said
"No, he was a dick, i can complain how many times as i want"
"Im actually on you're side"
"Thanks Debut" Red said "See? She is a person with brain"
"But im just sayi-" Speak now started but was interrupted by Fearless
"Any ways, you two dont want to fight in front of our new friend right?"

Friend? Are we friends? Thats great

"Sorry Fear" speak now said
"And you Debut? You have some weird ex boyfriend story?" Red asked
"Ex boyfriend? nop"
"Oh sorry, girlfriend maybe?"
"Uh? no no, im not gay, i hate gay people"
The three girls looked at me and then i rememberd that wasnt my usual friend group
"Nono, im sorry, i dont hate gay people, i know that sounded wrong, i just, my two best friends are gay, im just not, i just, its my sense of humor im sorry, sorry if someone here is gay and got me wrong"
They started laughin
  "Omg you sounded so funny talking so fast" Fearless said "sorry for laughing"
"And dont worry, no one here is gay" Speak now said
"Yeah, just you when you see folklore" Red said
"Shut up, i just found her smart, and pretty, and funny, and- well maybe im a little gay but at least I don't keep crying to my ex"
"you literally just told the scarf story again"
"Because i loved that scarf"

They keept arguing for a while

"Sorry for them" fearless told me
"Dont worry, they're funny, i like them"
"Omg Debut, can we join you to the group chat?" Red randomly asked "you were so fun"
"Uhm, of course"
"yey, add her Speak"
"Going" speak now said

I made new friends, i like it
They are so fun, this is so cool

you are in love ☆ (taylor's version)Where stories live. Discover now