just one time

715 21 22

this chapter is electric touch coded :)


Today was sunday, wich means, math project, wich means Midnights is coming to my house. We havent talk to each other since the party, and after all saturday of my mom screaming at me for scaring her and the worst hangover ever i got some memories, of Midnights, on top of me, in lover's couch, kissing me, a lot, so, i was kinda stressed out.

After a few hours the bell rang.

"I'll go" i yelled from my bedroom and runned down stairs

you can do this, you can do this

I opened the door
"Hi Mid" i said
"Hi Nine"
We stod up there, in an akward silence, looking at each other, without knowing what to say. A part of me was hoping that she didnt remember anything of the party but from this akwardness i could tell that she did.

"hello" i heard my mom saying "you must be midnights"
"Yes i am, hi" Midnights answered and she shook hands with my mom
"oh, please come in" she led midnights inside of the house "im really glad you're here, 1989 talks a lot about you!"
"oh, she does?" She looked at me with that smirk that i knew it meant she was making fun of me
"a little" my mom moved her hand as if to downplay the matter "do you want cookies? I made some!"
"Oh thanks, but im not really hungry right now"
"okay, well i will let you two do that project, goodbye"

My mom left and Midnights looked at me, she still had that smirk on her face
"so, you talk a lot about me?"
"ofc i dont, you wish darling"
"your mom didnt said that"
"she just tries to make good impresions, but all she does is embarrase me"
"honestly, real, my mom does the same"
We laughed a little
"so, do you wanna go up stairs? I mean i have all my things there so-

We went to my room

"omg, this is your room?" she asked
"yes, you like it?"
"Its so cool! And you have all this posters! And all this stuff, and omg do you watch brooklyn 99?"
"Yes, its like my fav show"
"Mine too! i tryied to convince Lover a hundred times to watch it but she says its boring"
"same here with Rep"
"Well, i guess they are made for each other right?"
"Yes, sure they are"

Suddenly a silence invaded the room

"So uhm, wanna make the project?" I asked trying to errase the silence


I was on a phone call with Red

"omg girl, guess what" she said
"me and speak now are changing to your school" red sounded exited and of course i was too
"yes we are! So now you wont escape from us"
"thats so good Red, i really miss you two when im at school"
"We miss you too"
"Well i hope Rep likes you, cause if she doesnt, sorry but we cant be friends anymore" i said as a joke
"meh, she doesnt scare me that much"
"Oh, she will if she wants, but in her heart she is just a softie" i laughed "so how are things over there?"
"All okay, not much changes, well Speak now is in love with this girl folklore but nothing else"
"She finally accepeted it?"
"She still tries to deny it but she knows she's lying and she knows i know that" Red said "and you?"
"Me what?"
"How is your life?"
"All okay, i had a birthday party this weekend and omg it was so fun, i spend like all night with Debut"
"ou i love her, she is so fun"
"i know, and remember 1989 and this girl Midnights she always says she hates?"
"yes, what about them?"

We keep gossiping for a while untill i had to go


I think 30 minutes passed by and this was the akwardest thing ever

"I cant stand it anymore!" I exclaimed
"what?" 1989 looked confused
"this is so akward, i cant stand it" I continued "usually things arent akward between us, we need to talk"

I sat up straight and saw that Nine did the same.

"okay so, lets talk" she said
"Yes, lets talk"

We stared at each other for a few seconds. Her eyes are so pretty. No, this is not a good time to think about that

"we both know what happend at that party right?" I asked trying to get courage from somewhere
"Yes we do"
"And what?"
"How do you feel about that?"
"Well, uhm, i know i was drunk, and drunk people make stupid things right?"
"Yes i was totally thinking the same"


"So we can pretend it never happend?"
"ofc we can"

Again, silence. I didnt know why the silence was there

"but, uhm, for what i can remember, it was a pretty good kiss" 1989 said and she blushed so much that i really wanted to kiss her again

Wait, what?

"for what i can remeber, it was a pretty good kiss too, honey"
"But we wont repeat it, right?"
"Of course we wont"

Silence, again, the akwardness was there. She looked at me in the eyes and i did the same, her eyes were the most wonderfull shade of blue. Slowly I lowered my gaze to her lips and when i went back to her eyes, 

"so, just one, like only one more kiss wouldnt kill us you know" 1989 said and i felt my head exploding
"Yes i know" i said as fast as i could
"but, just this time and never again" at every word we were more and more close to each other
"yes, we just get rid of the temptation and then forget about it"
"i agree with the plan" by the end of my words i could feel 1989 breathing on my face, she grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in, stamping her lips against mines.

The kiss was desperate as if we were dying to feel each others lips, that, at least in my case, i was. In some way 1989 ended up sitting on my lap and i swear she was destroying my mouth.
We kissed for, i think, 10 minutes and then we moved away.

"that was great" 1989 said between shaky breaths
"i agree" I said sighing

Her cheeks were flushed and i guess mines too, if someone walked into the room right know, it would be obvious that we have been kissing based on the swollen lips and the disheveled hair.

"so, wanna do math project?" she asked as if nothing has happend
"of course!" I answered in the same way

And after that there were no silences and no akward moments, i dont know if the crazy kissing idea actually worked but oh my fucking god i really enjoyed it.

a/note: i wrote this at 4am, so if some words are repeated an exesive amount of time, im sorry, also sorry for the grammar mistakes i tryied to fix them all :)

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