Chapter 10

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A hulking mass crashed through the undergrowth, forced to opt for speed rather than stealth by its pursuers. There was a snap from above it, and the thing growled viciously, forcing a cry from the prey in its jaws. Hearing their cry, several hoots and howls echoed from the canopy above.

The beast wouldn't escape tonight.

On they chased the beast through the dark forest, jumping from tree to tree in tandem. Some broke off, pulling spears and nets from their backs as they flanked the trees to the beast's right, forcing it to turn sharply.

Heeding the lead hunter's, Llinos', call, Glyn pursued the beast. It ran for several paces, sure it had evaded capture, only to be met by a sheer rock wall. It whipped around, only to find itself trapped by a wall of coed, weapons at the ready.

On the lead hunter's signal, Glyn dove down, landing with a thump on the cold forest floor. Spear at the ready, he worked to back the beast up against the wall, tightening the circle with the other spear bearers. The beast snapped at them viciously, biting down hard on it quarry as it tried to bear it's teeth.

The young coed cried out painfully, and there was a shout above as archers let loose their arrows, further trapping the beast. Glyn's ears snapped upwards, and he smiled viciously as several figures suddenly dropped from above. Nets in hand, they flung them over the beast. Other hunters followed behind, looping the rope through the ends of the net, and securing them to nearby trees and rocks, before gripping onto the ropes themselves to secure it further.

The beast struggled against the net, jostling the young coed. The circle of hunters tightened, each one forcing their spear tip into its side. Glyn, closest to the mouth of the beast, rushed forward while it was distracted by the onslaught. Reaching through the net, he grabbed for the child.

The beast's eyes flicked to him, and he reached in his other arm to pry open the beast's jaws. Inching his hands between its teeth, he gritted his own as he felt them pierce into his hand. Tiny hands gripped his wrist desperately, and he tried not to look at the small face streaked with tears. Reaching around the waist of the child, he saw other hands come forward to help him. The beast's grip loosened momentarily, letting the child slip for a second, before tightening suddenly and wrenching them out of Glyn's grip.

A snap echoed through the forest and Glyn whipped around to find one of ropes holding the net had snapped, throwing Hedd, another hunter who'd been holding the rope, back against a tree. With one of the ropes gone, the beast was able to raise itself back on its feet, and one by one, the rest of the ropes followed.

Everyone rushed to retie the net down, but as the last rope snapped the beast broke free. Shoving the net off itself, it threw itself in a circle, forcing those who hadn't been caught under the net to back up to the treeline.

Once it gained enough room, it shot off northward. Glyn growled, abandoning his spear to rush after it, a few others following him. He chased it onward, calling out to rally those who'd followed to try and trap it again, to no avail. The blasted thing wasn't falling for it again.

His movements grew frantic as the trees began thinning. He threw a desperate look ahead of him when he saw the break in the trees ahead. He quickened his pace, faster than he'd ever travelled before, somehow catching up to the beast.

He broke from the treeline just as it did, leaping from the trees as hard as he could. Time seemed to slow as the beast appeared under him, and he pulled out his knife, prepared to bury it in its back.

As he descended onto its back, it suddenly picked up speed, and Glyn landed on nothing but dry, dead soil.

His eyes shot up to the creature far ahead of him, running farther and farther across dull, lifeless land. He shut his eyes painfully as the child screamed.

Chasing Shadows - Tales of Arteraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें