Chapter 11

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Joyce pov:

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Joyce pov:

My eyes slowly fluttered open, my sleepiness making me unaware of the face that was leaning so close to mine until my vision wasn't blurred anymore.
My eyes widened in surprise when I registered Jongho in front of my face.

His expression didn't change after I finally noticed him, he just kept staring like he had before.

"Did you watch me sleep?" I asked and Jongho leaned back slightly as he sat crossed legs right in front of me.


"Okay? Why?" I chuckled, actually expecting more than a simple 'yep'.

"Just because." Jongho shrugged bored and I averted my eyes, looking at the others around us.
They rested in the grass, either laying on their backs and enjoying the sun and some sat nearby, also against the tree like Wooyoung and San.

"What time is it?" I rubbed the last of sleep from my eyes.

"Past three." Jongho answered.

"What?!" I catches the attention of the other as they looked over "We missed class!"

"And?" Jongho shrugged again.

"And?" I repeated his uninterested answer "I can't miss classes-"

"Why?" Jonhgo interrupted "You'll be able to catch up the stuff anyway."

"But my father-"


I looked at Jongho and the boy leaned forward again, our faces inches away as he was in the same position I had woken up to.

"For once, don't think about your father. It doesn't matter what he thinks. Live a little." His soft eyes seemed to bore into mine and I couldn't form an argument under his gaze.

"Okay." I mumbled dazed and saw Jonghos lips perk up in a smile.

"Now relax and enjoy the sun." He leaned back and closed his eyes, giving me the opportunity to take in his face more.


I surprisingly felt ready for the day when I woke up. I was in a good mood, had no bad encounters.
The day started off good!

I walked up to my locker where Mingi and Yunho waited like some bodyguards. They glared at anyone walking by and moved to the side to let me open my locker "Good morning." I spoke to them and they turned away from the students to direct their attention towards me, a whole different expression taking up on their faces.

"Good morning." Yunho smiled.

"Did you sleep good?" Mingi also smiled and I nodded with a hum.

I got my things and the three of us went to class, the others weren't there and I guessed that it was their usual behavior to come always late.

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