Chapter 6

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"Oh shit

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"Oh shit. What happened there."

Mingi was the first to notice us when we approached them and he also noticed the big patch on my knee.

"She distracted a few people so I could get us these." Hongjoon told them and lifted his full arms to show the others what he got.

"You should've seen her. Really a great actress." I heard Hongjoon as he walked away from me and in the middle of the others, telling them everything.

I saw that Yunho, Wooyoung and San also has stored snacks and all kind of drinks.
Seongwha approached me with a troubled expression and I furrowed my eyebrows slightly.

"Does it hurt?" he asked after leaning down to look at my leg with a crease in his brows.

"Just a bit."

"You shouldn't have done that." He told me.

"Hongjoon already lectured me. It's okay, it was just impulsively."

"Mhm." was all that came from him before his hand went to my back and we walked over to the others.

"Didn't expect to, but I'm impressed. Don't do such thing again tho." Wooyoung told me and even though I liked that they somehow cared, I felt annoyed that it's been the only they've said to me in a span of ten minutes.

"Yeah yeah. Okay."

"We'll bring you home now. It'll be dark soon." Hongjoon spoke.

We walked back to the fence and I stared up at it before a voice snapped me out of it.

"Come." Yunho approached me this time, lifting me up as I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist— which I noticed was quite small.

After climbing the fence and landing back on the ground Seongwha told me to lead the way.
I chewed on my inner cheek but started walking with the following close behind me.

I heard them talking and laughing behind me, chit chatting about every possible timing there is. I ignored their voices and picked my nails, a habit when I was nervous.
I already planned to not bring them all the way to my front door.
My father would do God knows what then.

It took about twenty minutes to get to my street and the sky began to darken.
Before we could round the corner to my house I stopped and turned to the boys.

"Thank you for walking me home. And today, I guess." I pursed my lips and clasped my hands in front of me.
I saw them frowning at me but shook it off with a nod.

"What? Are we here?" Mingi asked, looking around at which house could be mine.

"Yeah, just close by." I told them.

"Which one?" Hongjoon questioned.

"Just- one around here."

"Why are you so mysterious about your house?" Asked Yunho.

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