The Prologue

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  The click of an AR-15 echoed through the dark street. "Pull up right here," a masked gunman instructed. The all-green box Chevy '75 came to a slow roll. "Those bitchmade niggas are getting a cement grave right now," the masked gunman exclaimed.

When he spotted two teens coming from the basketball court, he waved his hand, "Go!" The car's engine roared to life. The two boys proceeded to run, but the chase was halted by the vehicle's aggressive maneuver. The tires spun adjacent creating a wave of smoke. The gunman laughed vigorously and then sent a barrage of bullets hurling toward them. "Duck, Munch!" one of the boys bellowed.

The second teen smiled, hiding the horror written on his face. The bullets punctured his flesh, silencing the world around him. As his vision grew dimmer, his friend's screams were all he could hear. The blood spray illuminated the dark street.

The young teen stood still. The smoke started to dissipate, unveiling the gruesome reality of this fatal situation.

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