Chapter 4

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Mary: Look. They actually have a real wardrobe department with incredible fabric. And they let me make this... Uh oh.

Mary's scarf then got stuck to her.

Mary: I think I just sewed my scarf to my bra.

Spark: So, I thought this was supposed to be a campfire. You know, singing, telling stories. An actual fire.

Axel then came on stage.

Axel: Everybody have a seat!

Everyone: *CHEERING*

Axel: I'm Axel Turner.

Everyone: *CHEERING*

Axel: And I'd like to welcome all you Rockers and my dear old friend, Charlie Cesario...

Everyone: *CHEERING*

George: Yeah! Charlie! Whoo!

Axel: to Pup Star!


Spark: Go, Charlie!

Axel: But you all don't want to hear a speech from me. You want to get to what a campfire is really all about: Singing.

Mary: Hey, that's what you just said. Your twins. *LAUGHS*

Spark just smiles.

Axel: So, does anyone have anything they'd like to play?

Everyone just stays quiet.

Axel: Pup Rockers , don't be shy.

Everyone still stays quiet.

Axel: No takers? Ok. Pup star will start us off. And *LAUGHS* my apologies if we embarrass ourselves. We're kind of knew at this.

Everyone: *CHEERING*


Whiz: Ow! Oh!

Everyone: *CHEERING*

George: Are you okay?

The girl that Whiz met saw that her bracelet was missing.

Axel: That's how we do things here at Pup Star!

Pom Pom: Wow!

Axel: *LAUGHS*

Whiz then looks up and saw it was the girl's bracelet.

Axel: Before we go any further, I'd like to make a quick announcement. We're having staffing problems. Who knew we'd be so popular?

Charlie: All right, now we're under attack.

Axel: So, I'd just like to put it out there. If there are any Pup Rock counselors or staff who'd like to make the switch, I'd be more willing to double your salary.

Charlie: You've got to be joking. I barely have enough staff as it is.

Guy 1: I'll go.

Corazon: What?

More people then started leaving there seats and asking to sign up.

George: No!

Axel: And if there are any Pup Rock campers who'd like to join us, well, I'm sure we could find you a bunk. Oh, did I mention... our cabins are air conditioned?

Spark: He can't do this!

Lots of Pup Rockers then started getting out of there seats and going to Pup Star's side. Charlie had enough of this.

Charlie: All right, I need all the Pup Rockers back on the boats now! Come on! Go! Please!

George: Come on guys! Back to the boats. Let's go.

The remaining Pup Rockers then quickly started leaving there seats and quickly started heading to the boats. Spark's Mom was concerned and put her hot chocolate down and left the bonfire. Corazon then checked up on Whiz to make sure his eye was okay.

Whiz: Are you sure it's ok?

Corazon: Not a scratch.

The girl the Whiz met then came up to him.

Girl: I'm really sorry about that.

Whiz: Oh, It's all good. I'm totally fine. I'm just happy I could catch it for you.

Girl: Well, it's always kind of been my lucky charm. I guess it still works.

Corazon: Did you forget the part where you hit him in the eye?

Whiz the gave the him the 'shut up' face.

Corazon: I'll be over there.

Whiz: So, Dana, you were amazing up there.

Dana: You think? I'm just glad it's finally over. We've been practicing for weeks and still, every time I go on, I'm almost sure I'm gonna throw up. *CHUCKLES* I'm really glad you guys came. My dad was totally sure nobody would show. My dad's Axel Turner.

Whiz: He's your dad?

Dana: *LAUGHS* Everybody says that, and kind of exactly like that. But, trust me, once you get to know him, he's a really great guy.

Whiz and Dana just smile at eachother.

Dana: Well, I guess I... I should go.

Whiz: Here. You don't want to lose it.

Dana: You can keep it if you want.

Whiz: What would I do with a bracelet.

Dana: Right. *SLIGHT CHUCKLE* For the record, I'm glad you're okay. You have really pretty eyes. 

Dana's Dad then started walking to them.

Dana: *CHUCKLES* I'm sorry. That was weird. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable.

Whiz: No, It's all good. People tell me that all the time. Um, probably because they're right in the middle of my face. So...

Whiz then saw Dana's Dad was staring at them.

Dana: So...

Dana then saw her Dad was behind her.

Dana: Um, I'll see you around.

Whiz: Okay.

Dana then leaves and Whiz starts walking away.

Whiz: Yes, I want to keep it. You have pretty eyes, too. Stupid.

Dana then met up with her Dad and Whiz met up with Corazon.

Whiz: I'm an idiot.

Corazon: Ha. something we both can agree on.

Whiz then punches Corazon in his shoulder.

Corazon: Ow! A strong idiot. 

Meanwhile with Dana and Axel.

Axel: I... I don't want you talking to that boy.

Dana: Don't worry. I don't think it's gonna be a problem.

Axel: Okay. Come on.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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