Summer: Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Grounded 

After Shinzo left his room, Izuku just decided to call Kat since he wasn't responding to his texts. The phone rang for 2,4,7 seconds before Katsuki picked up.

" What."

" Do you wanna go out tonight to the lake? I need to get away from my brother he is driving me up the walls!"

"I thought you'd never ask"

"okay perfect! Meet up at 8pm?"

"As always. Oh! By the way did your old man sign the thing? Cuz mine did so I'm good"

"Yeah he did! But damn did it take a while. I literally needed help from Pa' to convince him"

"I feel like that was inevitable"

Izuku's side of the call became muffled as he covered the speaker but Katsuki could still make out a few words.

"Hey wh- ya talking to-?" That was probably his brother "It's none - yo-r business-!" "Is I- your lit-le boyfriend?" Katsuki could feel the blush creep up his neck, spreading to his face . "Boyfriend?" He whispered "HE'S -OT MY BOY—IEN-! AND GE- OUT OF MY R—M!"  

"Sorry about that, um that was my brother "

"No its-its okay" He couldn't stop thinking about what Shinso said " Yo uh nerd, what did your brother say earlier? You know, about the uh boyfriend thing?" He tried to sound confident but on the inside he was freaking out                                                                                                          

"Oh! Its uh its nothing he was being annoying, haha..." 

The call went silent 

"Um anyway my dads are calling me for dinner so I uh gotta go! Ill talk to you later bye!"

He didn't even give Kat a chance to say goodbye before he hung up, and Kat had a sneaky suspicion that it was about the whole boyfriend thing... 


Izuku hung up the phone, only because if he talked about the boyfriend thing he would probably overheat from blushing because he would be thinking of all the things they would do together. Someone snapped him out  of his very gay trance, and unfortunately the person did not have very good news for him. "Izuku could you come down here for a second ?" That was Hizashi, he could tell cuz his voice was a lot softer, but it was stern, so he could tell something was wrong...Izuku walked down carefully as to not set off anything. "So...Izuku, a certain someone told me that you've been skipping classes lately, is this true?" Shit. 

He had been skipping classes, well technically it's class singular since he had only skipped science. But only because it was after lunch and he didn't do his assignment....and that he wanted to hang out with Kat more. "Um..." he looked over at his brother, he was smiling. That son of a bitch. He ratted him out! "...It was only one class...." He tried to make it seem better to try and not get in as much trouble but that didn't seem to work. " Izuku I'm sure you understand that your education is very important and what you did was very irresponsible! This is the only logical thing to do about this," here comes the kicker. What's was it gonna be this time? No phone for a week? Extra chores? Those seemed pretty reasonable since this was such a small deal. " you're grounded for a month" ...... "WHAT?! That's so unfair! It's not even that big of a deal!" He protested "Izuku this has been happening for months you have to start facing your consequences." "Dad back me up here!" " Your father's right Izuku" Aizawa answered in the still monotone voice. This was so unfair! UGHH. He ran back up to his room, stomping out of anger. He opened his phone and texted Katsuki. 

"Never fucking mind. I'm grounded"

"Wait what? Why?" 

"Remember when we skipped class yesterday after lunch? Yeah. My brother ratted me out. Fucking dickhead"

"Fuck dude that's harsh, I would tell you to sneak out but that would probably make it worse" 

" Yeah sorry about that... but give me a week for my parents to be a bit less mad and for me to bribe my brother and we'll meet up" 

"Alright deal. I'll see you tomorrow then"


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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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