Summer : Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Dorms

Aizawa was  in the middle of giving out  some information about the day when there was a knock at the door, and he knew exactly who was behind said door. He sighed "Come on in..." he already had his whole speech ready to give out, personally prepared for his most troublesome of students. Izuku slowly opened the door, Katsuki not far behind. "Hey...sorry were late, sir" he said. " You mind explaining to me why your late exacly?" "Um well we were just having a little chat with the uh principal" Katsuki answered, trying to hid his smirk, Aizawa looked unimpressed but let them off with a stern lecture.  Izuku and Katsuki shuffled to their seats as Aizawa went back to explaining. " Continuing where i left off. The school has been informed of several attempted kidnappings located Infront of schools. This has forced us to not let any student leave the perimeter during  lunch hours and in-between classes until the situation in under control." As expected this earned several complaints from the students, " Thats not fair! Neither me or my parents have time to prepare lunch for me! And I'm not buying from the school cafeteria, the food there sucks!"  Shouted one of the students, followed by the agreement of several others. " SILENCE. Listen, I know its unfair but I cant do anything about it. If you want to complain, complain to the principal, not me." Aizawa's comment obviously worked as most if not all of the class immediately stopped talking. "Sir?" "Yes..?" " What about on our way to school, or on our way back? We're still going to be in danger, so what then?" Another student asked. "I was just about to get to that. Obviously we  want students to be safe 24/7, and we also know that our school is one of the most secure schools in Japan, so logically we decided to built dorms for any student who's up for it. Obviously, we cant force anyone so if you want to be apart of the dorms you will need this permission slip signed by your parents." Aizawa proceeded to distribute said permission slips out to the class. " The dorms are already almost done since we already had some empty buildings on campus, they just need plumbing and electrical work and obviously some general furnishing. The dorms will be set up like this." : 

" There will be two buildings,  consisting of 7 floors each, with the ground floor containing the first set of rooms, a kitchen, shared bathrooms, and a lounge area. Logically we are splitting up the dorm groups into male and female, which explains the two buildings. You will each be given a room and you are given the freedom to decorate it however you like. Now this might seem all fine and dandy but you still have rules to follow: Curfew is at 10pm, so all of you should be in your own rooms, keyword : own. I don't want to see anyone in anyone else's room past curfew. Got it? Right, moving on: If anyone causes any trouble" Aizawa gave a stern glance at Izuku and Katsuki " you will be on house arrest, meaning you will have to stay back on some days to clean up the entire dorm building, that includes the bathrooms. I believe that's all.."

 The first bell rang throughout the school, and everyone scurried to pack their things to get their next classes. " You think your parents would let you stay in the dorms?" Izuku asked Katsuki while he grabbed his bag. " I fucking hope so! I don't see why she wouldn't, but if she does I'll just tell her your going as well, then I'm sure she'll agree. I swear your like some sort of get out of jail free card! If only she knew I'm always the one getting you out of trouble. What about your's?" Katsuki answered. The minute Aizawa mentioned the dorms they immediately started planning on how they would convince their parents to sign the permission slips. You see, Izuku and Katsuki always had a plan, for everything, and for this one was that I would be ten times easier to sneak to each others dorms to hang out , they just had to make sure they were neighbors and everything would fall right into place. " Yeah they should, but my dad is probably going to make sure my , stupid,  brother's in the dorm right next me to make sure he can keep an eye on me. But I can make it work." "You fucking better" 


After multiple arguments and several attempts to get his mother to sign the permission slip for the dorms, Katsuki finally got her signature. He immediately ran back up to his room to text Izuku about the success, but he didn't answer right away, he was probably working away on trying to get his dads to agree. Unfortunately for Katsuki, once izuku's in his head, he can't get him out. He fell back on his bed and closed his eyes. He was so incredibly gay for the boy, he just wished he liked him back. He could just imagine the things they would do together if they were dating: They would kiss and cuddle over and over again. He would finally get to taste the rosy lips he tends to stare at a bit too often. They would go to each other's houses and instead of just playing video games, they would do couple stuff together like watch a movie together, while cuddling, or read a book, while cuddling, Izuku would comb his rough hands through his hair and massage his scalp, but instead of doing that while in the friendship zone, they would do it as...boyfriends. The word gave his brain a little tingle, the thought of calling Izuku his boyfriend  made his head dizzy, kind of like when he properly saw Izuku without a top on, just more fluffy. Actually when he thought about it, they already did couple stuff together, like hold hands and cuddle, Izuku would even massage his scalp. It gave Katsuki hope that maybe Izuku did feel the same about him and he had just been dropping hints...for three years...."UGHHH" Katsuki turned around and screamed into his pillow, this was so unfair.


Izuku was staring at his phone anxiously, waiting for Katsuki's response to him getting the slip singed, apparently hid dad had already signed him and his brother up, something about wanting some peace and quiet for once. But the one thing Izuku was most worried about was the fact that katsuki wasn't answering his texts! Izuku worried about his best friend, a lot and he was just worried something had happened to him! What if he passed out because he couldn't breathe anymore from the long argument he had with his mom! Or maybe he just didn't want to talk to Izuku! What if he didn't like him any?! Suddenly there was a knock on his bedroom door, and before he could say anything, the door flew open and his brother was standing in the doorframe. "What do you want. I'm in the process of worrying " Izuku asked, already annoyed on how his brother barged into his room. "Could you stop thinking about your boyfriend ? It's making my head hurt. Your thoughts are very loud." Shinso said with a nonchalant expression on him face. " Shinso you can't read my thoughts, and also he's not my boyfriend" " So I was right?" "SHUT UP!" Izuku was furiously blushing. Kat was NOT his boyfriend, even though he really wanted him to be. " listen, I don't really care about your love life that more, but it's so painfully obvious that you like him. So if you could do everyone a favor and tell him already....Well? Get to it! You don't have all day" "STOP READING MY MIND!....AND GET OUT OF MY ROOM!"

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