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So to start of is that I never expected the apocalypse to happen or to ever be real but as they say when life gives you lemons you make lemonade but I like lemons so life never gave them and worse part is that I don't have any weapons and you might be thinking aren't you the mc so you have to have awesome weapons and space abilities well I just don't because looks like the author of this book didn't quite like me  .

Three days ago

So I was at a tennis compition and guess what place your girl got first place bitch so yeah when the announcers finally gave me the cash prize that I deserved by the way, I quickly head on to the locker room and stayed there for a couple of minutes, and when I was done changing and was ready to leave I suddenly heard a scream so being me I checked out what was outside and good lord did I wish I didn't.

Some zombies were dismembering a person I quickly go back to the locker room and start to panic “,holy mother wtf is goin on go"while I was panicking a zombie actually noticed me and followed me and was already at the door good thing I locked it or else I would be zombie food right now.

God no im to beautiful to die like this I must survive cause like bitch who knows that I might find the man of my dreams in this apocalypse like those chinese apocalypse novels where they find some bigshot at the base, well I mean it mostly happens in transmigration novels but what if I like see a golden thigh like this would be chance to commiturder without getting arrested this is probably just like the plauge where all crime is legal.

Well I got cut out of my fantasies when I again heard the zombie knocking on the door but this time I realised that there were actually more zombies now , so I was now planning how to escape this zombie filled building and I was sure that there were actually more survivors here but the fuck does that have to do with me all I care for fucks sake is to survive like bitch this is the time where you need to fend for yourself.

Like im also alone but you don't see me just waiting for someone to help me survive anyway enough of that .

I searched for away out cause the door wasn't an option anymore seeing that its already plauged with zombies so loooked for and open window but unfortunately I was on the 3rd floor so that pretty much wasn't an option cause there were also zombies down at the ground after some time of searching for a fuckin way out .I saw a vent and decided to use it as a fuckin way out and bitch saying I need to hurry up is an understatement cause the motherfuckin zombie's are already closed to breaking the door and you're girl here still wants to live and not become zombie snack .

So I quickly get my ass up cuz the vent was already open and looked around for what I could use as a weapon and you know what my weapon is a racket a fuckin tennis racket cuz bitch it was either that or a fuckin chair,but I mean it ain't that bad like it be pretty strong and to say I was excited to smash some zombie brain using a tennis racket is an under statement like bitch I always knew that the apocalypse would come sooner or later but I didn't quite expect that it would actually happen when im in my tennis compition,like what im gonna do now with my hard earned price money now that its useless in the apocalypse (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ.

Anyway so like ,I was sayin I got in the vent just in time and closed it cuz bitch the zombies already broke the door and if I was still in there shit will was probably about to go down for me but lucky for me it didn't after some crawling I finally reached the first floor and bitch it looked fucking disgusting like there was blood every where and people eating one another and ,I swear that I was about to fucking throw up cause it was so gross it looks like it just came out of a horror movie.

Anyway I carefully got out of the vent making sure that I made no noise cuz if I did I'd be zombie meat and it actually went well but not for long cuz I accidentally stepped on a squeaky toy and bitch I don't even know how it freaking got there but now that it has all the zombies attention got to me and that's when I knew that shit was about to get fucked up.

"Ohh shit im officially about to be announced as zombie meat.

Zombies came rushing towards me and luckily I took some military training from my deceased uncle and managed to somehow fight back against them , after that some noise suddenly attracted the zombies and I used that as an opportunity to run away as fast I can from the god forsaken zombies after that i went to the parking and got into my motorcycle 🏍️ and zoomed out of there well that plan really didn't go well as the zombies at the side of the road were attracted by the noise of my motorcycle and  to think that I used to argue with my classmates that riding a motorcycle was better than driving a car in the apocalypse,well turns out it has some disadvantages like I could easily get bitten by a zombie but I still stand my ground about it being better cause it has the convenience of getting through small alley's and for you to look super cool in the apocalypse by riding a motorcycle.

After that turn of events I got into my apartment and bitch it was filled with mother fuckin zombies so again I had to fight my way out of it and successfully got inside of my apartment and can you believe it I fought against fucking zombies and still survived.

AN:Hi guys how you like the story so far so like I know that the mc is like having it pretty easy by surviving but dont worry I'll make it more hard in the later chapters where she actually has to fend for herself well see you again in the next chap (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧.



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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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