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"Of course Jude and Robbo are the first ones to reply to you" Ivy said. "I'm going to not hear the end of it in training tomorrow" Trent replied.

"And whose fault is that, babe?" Ivy teased as Trent rolled his eyes playfully. "If you actually accidentally say anything I will be annoyed" Ivy added.

"Relax Vee, I won't" Trent said. "I know you want to tell people about us, I'm sorry I've been the one who just tells you not to, you can tell people if you want" Ivy mumbled.

Trent pulled Ivy into his embrace and kissed her cheek. "I love it that we are a secret, we already said that we will announce to everyone on our 5th year. I would love to tell Robbo and a few others but I don't care if I don't" Trent said.

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault. You want to keep us a secret, I will continue to do that or if you want some people to know I'll tell them" Trent added.

"I just know that Jude will figure it out, the boys in Madrid have been suspicious and think I have a boyfriend and now you posted that your story. It won't be long until Jude adds it up" Ivy said.

"Alright, I can be blamed for that one. How about you just tell Jude, we can trust him and if you trust anyone else like that in Madrid tell them too" Trent told her.

"They've been nonstop talking about it since pre-season, so I'll just break the news to them. The England team can figure it out by themselves" Ivy said giggling at the last part.

"Yeah they can figure it out for themselves" Trent added with a laugh. "It's going to be so funny seeing everyone's reaction when we post for our 5th year" Ivy replied.

"Well, we only have to wait 5 months" Trent added. "It's that close already?! Wow, that's crazy" Ivy said as she leaned her head on Trent's shoulder.

"Best years of my life," Trent told her as Ivy smiled before kissing him.

SECRET LOVE || TRENT ALEXANDER-ARNOLD Where stories live. Discover now