Notes 1.0

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These notes are subject to change, so they are not final. I might make more chapters, but they will feature more updated notes. This is the first chapter/notes edition. I guess you could think of it as a timeline of evolution for the notes until it's sufficient enough for a story!

This consists of a young Miles "Tails" Prower, the last of the kitsunes, growing up alone and sheltered.

Originally, at the beginning, he was a tiny cub, and a runt of the litter, however, cherished nonetheless for his birth. He was given a charm, a magical pendant around his necklace in honor of him and the Kitsunes culture. However, this happiness would quickly change as he and his culture of kitsune people were attacked (by some sort of force whether by the "Master Emerald" or an opposing tribe.) This war between (this force) raged on, and many of the fragile cubs were killed, many of the innocent, and many of the guards. Miles, possibly the only one, due to his intelligent father was the only one to survive the frenzy. His mother was nowhere to be found while the incident happened. He was taken away secretly, teleported to a further land, an isolated jungle. Although Miles didn't know about it, the sacred gem the Kitsunes protected was teleported in safe-keeping as well, by the strong Kitsune guards. 

Miles struggled to survive, shedding many tears with a flimsy and frail body. Miles suffered physical conditions, such as hearing his tummy rumble for food, having dry lips, and suffering wounds. Miles, however, had a love for technology and was intellectual, able to find scraps of badniks and robots to use to help him. However, what didn't help was the lack of self-confidence and self-control. Often when going to sleep at night, Miles would struggle with visions of the gem, causing headaches and a lot of stress for the safety of the jewel. He also was confused on why this happened to him. Miles keeps having flashbacks and constant nightmares about being attacked by the bullies in the forest. They spotted him firstly when he was going nearby to a village for support; however, they were only there to trick him, seeing he was weak. They all laughed and mocked him, chuckling at his timid demeanor and short, stumpy size. However, Miles did have a stepmom in such a village, named (Don't worry about the name right now) and she assisted him with his care. 

However, raising such a traumatized, magical cub wasn't easy. As the cub grew up, he grew more and more bitter as he was expected to do some more from his stepmother, when he already still dealt with the stress of being an ancient kind. Often, his stepmother, in fear of him getting into danger, would protest the cub going far after the gem the Kitsunes originally protected. They would get into arguments about it with Miles feeling guilt for snapping at his stepmother, who took in the first place to keep him relatively safe. Miles had a lot of guilt for being unable to match up to the Kitsunes' expectations, often staring at his pendant with pained eyes, yet pitifully unable to fully remember the incident and what happened, many of those years ago. He didn't fit in the village and his thoughts were true with that. He felt uncool and felt like a useless weirdo, influenced by the bullies getting into his head. He kept seeing a blue hedgehog run around fast as he walked throughout the village at points, but every time, Miles would think HE'S cool, but not think of himself as cool enough to meet the hedgehog and try to make a friend. 

One day, however, at the age of 12, things changed. Miles took a stroll in the forest to attempt to find some more scraps for technology, however, the bullies saw him and followed him around. They then all jumped on him and surprised him, laughing at his fear. They all cackled in delight as one of them would notice Tails' pendant. The pendant had some dents in it due to that incident a long time ago. Tails retorted and exclaimed back that the pendant is VERY important to him, growling as he did so. However, the bullies wouldn't find him intimidating as one of them snatched the pendant away from his neck and toyed with it. Devastated, Tails struggled to get it back as he felt like crying and shedding tears. Eventually, after a long laugh, the bully who had the pendent SMUSHED the pendant in front of Tails' eyes. Miles' heart cracked as he watched his pendant crumble away, practically, the last remaining gift of the Kitsune tribe. Miles would have enough, as the pendant wasn't there either. This would lead to more loss of self-control for his future without such a pendant. The pendant was there to keep Miles' energy contained from the "Master Emerald," as he was young and still struggled with controlling his powers. 

Miles broke out in rage, both unexpectedly a LOT more with his compared rage he felt. He glowed in fiery, elemental power, urged from the core of the "Master Emerald," as he brought out his arm cannon, one of his ol' inventions he invented. He would physically kick, punch, and whack his twin tails at the bullies, aided by the guide of the "Master Emerald." He'd shoot the bullies down with plasma before starting to crazily cause such a wildfire on them, and around the environment. The bullies screamed in pain and agony, startled from the sudden, rageful attack. After a violent brawl, Miles grumbled and groaned loudly as he clutched his arm. He flinched as he noticed the blood on his hands and bits of splatter on his body. He felt exhausted from the whole fray, feeling like he was about to faint. He tried to stay awake, as he felt more hazy and manic thoughts of the jewel and the power. He could actively see such voodoo as he felt like a complete disgraceful monster. The gem's whispering voice kept triggering him. He couldn't return to his stepmother OR the village after becoming a murderer like this. So, he'd set off alone in terror and guilt, after trying to recharge from the snap, he'd start trying to locate the "Master Emerald." Eventually, after a long journey, he located such ruins. Now, he was alone. The "Master Emerald" glowed behind him as he saw little remains of his culture. 

Miles grew up two years alone on the island, no one visiting him, as he grew bitter of the unfairness in his past. Miles had a colder heart and expression with constant paranoia and traumatic thoughts. His frantic problems and visions with controlling his powers made things worse for the fox, and filled himself with fear of himself and his magic. He believes he must stay sheltered to not hurt anyone else, but protect the gem as necessary. Miles tries to make it up to them and hopes the Kitsunes will relieve and forgive Miles of his sins. The Kitsunes up in the skies. He tries to figure out his powers himself, however, it's hard being alone and unmotivated without much company. However, the main goal is to keep the gem protected, so that's what he does. His stepmom doesn't find him in this timeline period, no one does. He sits alone, 14 years old, resentful and changed. Not having much child joy as he feels more paranoid and alert of his surroundings. He has trust issues and is more introverted and quiet of his surroundings. He still can be kind and nice, wanting to be helpful if people are in trouble, however, overall, he's got a colder, thick shell. Messy bruises and a damaged heart. In this timeline, he struggles without any friends to keep her company, and the loneliness of being the only one: The Last Kitsune.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 12 ⏰

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