Chapter 2

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I did not get enough sleep. I tossed and turned all night, not understanding why my brain would not switch to sleep mode. I yelled at Mycroft enough and complained to the wall in the shower, so the anger passed. I did not think much about Sherlock. I felt intrigued, but not enough to not sleep a wink. Something was bothering me.

So I headed to the training corps, rubbing my tired eyes on the go. But near the entrance, I ran into Mycroft.

"Wait, you are now training in a different room," he immediately said.

I was stunned, staring at him with mild confusion. What's going on? What's with the sudden turns?

"Are you trying to punish me for running away yesterday? Or is it because I met with Sherlock once and now I need to be isolated?!" I started getting angry again.

"It's not like that!" Mycroft retorted, raising his hands. "Listen, you are being moved because I decided it's time for you to meet the team that will exist after training. You will go on missions with these people," Mycroft explained to me.

He lowered his hands, and I lowered my gaze. Okay, maybe sometimes I start to rebel without figuring out what's going on.

We looped through the corridors and finally reached a door. You would think that after five years, I would know the entire building inside and out. However, it still surprises me more and more each time. Yesterday there were no stairs here, and today there they are - Hogwarts or something.

"I will not remember this whole path," I said dejectedly.

"Don't worry, I'll draw you some arrows," Mycroft replied.

I looked at him and unexpectedly laughed. Mycroft sometimes surprises me with his humor, and for a couple of moments, I take off his buzzkill status. The politician cautiously smiled.

We entered an unfamiliar room. It was quite a large hall, with lots of equipment and additional doors. In front of us stood seven sturdy guys and three not-so-fragile girls. Next to them stood a menacingly scarred man. I swallowed. They all looked at me with assessing eyes.

"Your new teammate," the trainer thundered, giving me a quick glance. "Edward Porter."

"How stupid that sounds," smirked a tall brunette.

I immediately snarled, "You're the stupid one!"

"Enough!" the man roared with a threat, gesturing for me to line up.

I glanced at Mycroft, who nodded and walked away. I immediately went to the others and stood at the end. I was not scared of these guys, even though half of them were a head taller than me. I just realized that they were show-offs and thought highly of themselves. I would not let them put themselves above me.

"Good morning, everyone. Today you will sweat outside," it was obvious he was a former military man. He started with firm handshakes and thirty laps around the stadium.


I ran. Above the stands, I noticed a small room, like a loge at a football field with large panoramic windows. Apparently, it was the observation center, as I could have sworn Mycroft was standing there. I wondered if I would go to Baker Street today. But I couldn't ask Mycroft about it yet because the trainer was driving everyone hard.

"Is it hard to train with such a pros?" the same brunet sneered as he ran past.

I wanted to hit him, wanted to see him fall and scrape his knees, but I held back. I was not going to disgrace Mycroft right now, though I sometimes thought about it. Do I have to endure this teasing? Why did he attack me in the first second? If there are interesting personalities here, then I should...befriend them. That's how it's done, right?

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