Unanswered questions

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Lorenzo came in while having his arm around a Ravenclow shoulder. "Well you all are here already, let me introduce my girlfriend, Patricia Eleanor" He didn't seem to notice the tension that was roaming around as thick clouds or maybe he doesn't care.

Draco shook his head with a sigh. "Here we go again" he mumbled. That's how the attention went from me to Lorenzo with the blonde girl. His eyes lingered on me with a hidden smugness in his eyes and a smirk in his genuine smile . I avoided Lorenzo's gaze, I have to accept that this is how a playboy works so instead of remembering the heartbreak I took the opportunity and got up then headed to the corner where Mattheo sat.

"Can we talk?" I asked hopefully to have an excuse to get out of here but also to have answers as I can't wait with this kind of things. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow and took his time to answer with a calm tone. "Sure."

The two of us headed upstairs to our dorm. Mattheo went in after me and closed the door then leaned on it with his hand on his wrist. "I have two questions."I started, my hands on my hips and was standing in the middle of the dorm facing him. "First of, how did you come back this quick? And what do you mean with <I have been wondering through all those years where you were Y/N?> I never met you before"

His eyes narrowed slightly but he fixed his composter. "I don't know what you're talking about. I came back from where exactly? I was with Blaise and the others the whole time in the Great Hall. You're the one who left. And I never said anything to you nor moved from my spot."  His tone was sharp.
I lost words for a second. "...I left because I followed you you weren't with them you went to the second floor, girls lavator-" I stopped to take a breath as his expression didn't change from serious. It's like talking to a wall.

I watched him walk away from the door and just roam around. "You know how weird that sound, right?. Are you sure you didn't drink anything earlier because you're definitely acting mad" I looked at him in disbelieve how can he say that so casually, mad? Me? Wtf. I opened my mouth to say something but realised its going to go in vain. Instead I rolled my eyes then walked to my bed and sat on the edge of it facing Mattheo's bed that was on the other side.

Thoughts were eating me up and I have even more questions but he didn't even answer two of them. Did I really drink something today? Am I going crazy? But that felt so real and I did leave the Great Hall atleast that is still a right thing. With a sigh I massaged the bridge of my nose.

I got startled when a sudden warm hand was put on my shoulder. "I was talking for an hour there and you weren't even listening" He spoke with a slight annoyance. Since my mind was busy being in it's own world of thoughts I forgot Mattheo was still here in the dorm. "Yeah? What is it? Were you giving me an advice of going to St Mungo's Hospital to cure my illness or something." I spoke sarcastically and pushed his hand away.

He raised both his arms up "Damn, someone is in a mood"
I glared at him, am questioning my own existence at this point and he is really finding it s right time to make fun of me. I saw him smirking as a response. Now when he is standing infront of me I could smell his cologne, it wasn't strong, but it was delicious and I could still smell it from where am siting.

Third person POV:

Mattheo sat down beside Y/N on her bed and leaned back while she looked at him as if asking what are you doing? He ignored her and looked up at the ceiling.

"You know, I noticed that you dont like the guy with long hair." She raised an eyebrow.
"You mean Lorenzo?"
"Yeah, that"
"We have a past" She kept her tone as neutral as his while she kept siting on the edge. "Past? But you're still friends with his friends" Mattheo was confused which was obvious with the way he knotted his eyebrows."Yeah, MY friends are friends with his still. But we aren't"

There was a moment of silent before she decided to just tell him, it's not like it's a big deal and now he is part of the friendgroup too apparently so sooner or later he is going to find out so it's better to summarise it now.

"I used to date him. Didn't know he is the type of guy who lose interest quick unlike how sweet he makes himself look. He was nice at the beginning, brought me gifts, called me sweet nicknames and was such a gentleman, just the perfect type of a boyfriend. It didn't last him two weeks though, he cheated on me. And when I confronted him, his response was Well you should've known I don't do permanent relationships."  She ended it with a shrug.

She does remember how much of a shock that day was but she did manage to finally get her feelings locked in. Mattheo turned his head to the side to look at her "I surely wasn't prepared to that kind of story" Mattheo spoke with amusement both in his eyes and his tone. She chuckled."But that's short" he continued. "Is it? Am sure I talked too much" 

*Fast forward*

I was siting on the chair of my study table braiding my hair so that my hair would get out of my face. I decided not to go down again and instead used the time to put up a mirror on the wall above the table. I figured it was a better thing than going to the bathroom the whole time. Mattheo on the other hand just went out a few minutes ago and didn't come back. He maybe sat down with the others. I didn't care as long as I didn't have to see Lorenzo for longer than I should.

After a few moments I felt the door open and he was back but it felt like something changed, his perfume filled the place. He noticed me and gave me a nod with that smile that makes the sides of his mouth looks like waves. He went to the side table that had a cabinet underneath beside his bed and took out random things. I looked away so that i won't stare for too long even though my curiosity piqued

After a while I glanced back at Mattheo and noticed him siting on the floor. He was surrendered with alot of muggle thing, I didn't know that he had knowledge about the muggle world items. He was the next last person I thought would have interest in muggle things. He got my attention as I saw him focusing on making something. I leaned forward in my chair to have a look.

I smelled something burning, he was heating up a key with a lighter then he pressed onto a piece of clear tape, afterwards he got an unused credit card, it looked old, he taped the piece on the credit card and cut the shape of the key. I was watching with amusement. Mattheo surley got some skills and I was staring for too long apparently because he looked back and suddenly lifted the key up. "So, what do you think?" I froze for a couple of seconds that was too sudden I didn't expect him to just show me it. "Uh..hm..I.. it looks great" I nod along as the corners of his mouth lifted a bit and gave me a proud look.

Nothing interesting other than that happened during the day. I just laid down on my bed under the comforter with strange sensation. I glanced to the side at Mattheo he wasn't reading a book like he did yesterday he was doing some sort of workout before sleep.

I sigh and decided to go to sleep although I still can't wrap my head on how he said he was confused too and that he didnt move from his place which meant he was still siting while I left...following him?.

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