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(Sorry for the late chapter! I had been pretty sick and busy for the last few days. I hope you enjoy reading this book.)

"Rain, which one of these is Kate Angelica again? I forgot haha."

"It's that one floating in the middle." Rain pointed to the very centre of the room, to a statue floating quite high from the ground.

"Ah, I see. Alrighty! I'm gonna shine a light on you all okay? It will make you guys float, in other words, fly!" With that Storm started rummaging through his pockets and took out a small object, perhaps a gadget. The small object had suddenly turned into a torch. "Be careful when you are flying, don't hit your head accidentally into the statues. We don't want any injuries you know." As Rain finished warning them, Storm flashed the light of the torch onto them. In matter of seconds, the three felt their body slowly taking off from the ground and drifting onto the air.

"Woah, it's still as much as fun it used to be when I was young." The black haired boy said

"It really is!" Emily flew here and there, enjoying herself.

"Uh, guys? I need a little help here." Emily and Jake turned to look at James who was struggling to take control of his own movements. "UH, I THINK IM GONNA HIT A STATUE. EMILY HELP ME." James started to panic. Emily burst out laughing, followed by Jake. While James was thinking his life flashed before his eyes, The others just laughed at him.James made a mental note to get back at them.

"Alright, alright. Hold my hand." The purple and brown haired girl reached out to hold James's hand. James puffed out his cheeks feeling offended by everyone, but still grabbed on to Emily's hand for his dear life.

"Geez, you can really act like a baby."

"Shut up."

"Calm down everyone, we don't have all day, you know! Let's just continue." With that, Storm flew over to Kate Angelica's Statue and pressed the button.

'A young lady, with black hair, brown eyes, a typical Asian it seems. She was known for a keen in arts and sculptures. She made many masterpieces, which now has high values. But she had a flaw. She could never draw, paint or create sculptures of humans. It was always something she was never good at.


"Not now."


"Shut up."




"WHAT IS IT. Can't you see I'm trying to work on this art piece?!"

"What if-"


"Why! I'm good at sculpting too! I can help you out a lot, you know?" Kate's companion protested. Seems like, her friend took quite a lot of interest in her work. Kate seemed pretty reluctant to let her friend try.

After sometime, Kate's companion gave up and offered to treat her to dinner as it was getting late. Thought a little hesitant, she agreed. And so, they decided to go to a restaurant down the street.

"What would you like to eat?"


"Perhaps, do you have an appetite for Italian cuisine, right now?"

"It's alright."

"Asian food then?" He could see Kate's eyes bright up. He knew well, that could lighten up her mood.

"That'd be nice."

"I like you."

Kate abruptly stopped walking.

"What...? You... wait what?" She was too shocked to even say something.

"Indeed, you heard it correctly. I'm not joking." Kate was at a loss of words. She didn't know what to respond with. It was true, she in fact, did used to like him. But had to get rid of her feelings for reasons. For a while she stood still, trying to arrange her words. While he, waited patiently for her to answer.

"Me too."


Kate didn't utter a single word after that, instead she turned around and went straight back to the workshop, leaving her friend turning completely red. He could only, see her leave as, he, himself felt butterflies in his stomach.

Both of them looked forward to tomorrow. To see each other again. Kate stayed over in the workshop the whole night. In the early morning, her friend came early to see her. He couldn't even sleep at all. With excitement, yet nervousness, he opened the sliding door to the workshop. Hoping to see his friend smiling at him. But what he saw was made his whole body went numb. The bags, in which he brought some food for Kate, fell off of his hand. He fell to the ground in his knees, with eyes wide open, in shock. What stood before him was not just a workshop, but a crime scene. The crime scene of the girl he loved and confessed to just yesterday, who was now seen to be brutally murdered.

On the very back wall of the workshop, Kate's both hands had been tied opposite of each to the two bookshelf in the back. A very detailed sketch or rather a painting of her was drawn on the wall beside her. With the word underneath, "done". It looked like she was hit in the head really hard. Police came to the scene. And after much investigation, they found out, the cause of death was freezing to death, not blood loss. The night before, the temperature was hot as it can get. This discovery threw the whole case into an endless pit of mysteries. And soon, they had to close the case as lack of evidence.

The boy was left devastated on the loss of his beloved person. He was never abled to get out of his depression.'

*End of Replay*

"Wow... that was really unexpected." Said the purple and brown haired girl.

"Damn, the boy never got the change to get together with Kate."

"Be respectful for once, Jake." Emily and James said out at the same time, yelling at Jake.

"The story is heartbreaking, isn't it?" Rain asked for confirmation from the others.

"Sounds like a Movie Plot."


"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. But, honestly, it is sad." Emily and James looked at Jake being slightly satisfied upon Jake's remorse for Kate.

"Oh my, isn't it you guys?" A voice could be heard from a distance calling out to them. Perhaps someone they know?

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