Chapter one: The beginning

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He wandered mindlessly..not sure where he was even going, his long hair, messy and dirty. His clothing was tattered and ruined..

Who was I? What was my name..fuck.. my head was throbbing as I walked..I could even remember... Maybe it was Blue..? Or- Ollie? Oliver? Maybe Red? Fuck I didn't even know.. I'd figure it out later. All I remembered was waking up in a dry field..what even happened? I couldn't really remember.. I wandered, following what looked like a trail.. until I reached what looked like an archway..a door..? Maybe I could ask someone for help..

He walks quietly through the door, it shuts behind him. Well looks like I'd need to find another way out I guess ...he walks down the steps, the confusing pathways that follow along the cave walls..what was this place..? There were small houses and buildings, wells at the bottom, fairy lights decorated the walls and ceilings of this huge open cave...

He felt awkward, knowing fully well he was being watched from these houses, he spotted a few ...creatures? Monsters.. interesting things. He just kept his head down as he walked.. trying to ignore the judgmental whispers and stares..

Slowly but surely, he reached the bottom, and he started to walk to this huge building - it looked like some sort of small temple. It had lanterns and These tapestries..he walks in and sees something sitting casually leaning back on the throne,  he had a cape and wore these dark dress pants, as well as this White button up. His skin was a dark gray color, and he had claws.
He probably wasn't human.. He had a short hair cut and a gas mask with a crown sat atop his head, his eyes open hearing the footsteps and his eyebrows rise.

"Who the hell are you?"

Oh boy..this was gonna be interesting

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 12 ⏰

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