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In the depths of my soul, I penned a song,
With verses of love, tender and strong.
But alas, it was tossed away, cast aside,
For in your dreams, it's not me you confide.

Though the words remain, unheard and unsung,
In the silence, they linger, where our love begun.
I dare not read them, for the pain it may bring,
To know it's not me who makes your heart sing.

Yet still, in my heart, the love abides,
A flame that flickers, but never hides.
Though the song may be lost, the love prevails,
In whispers of longing, in silent wails.

So farewell to the song, and the dreams it may hold,
For in reality, our love has grown cold.
But in my heart, the memories stay,
Of the love we shared, day by day.

The Whispered Echoes: Unveiling the Poetry of SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora