trying to understand writing

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a foolish phrase many people say is you have to know a lot of words to write, but the truth stands, it's not the words we use that make our writing good or bad. we can all ponder and study words forever but the heart in our writing won't change. with a stronger vocabulary your writing can be more articulate and more understandable, is it better writing? i don't know. in my eyes what makes good writing good is the heart and soul the writer was feeling about the writing in the moment they were writing it. it's hard to understand my thought about writing, to get over this i write myself. when i'm writing i'm in constant deep thought. even though i can only squeeze one percent of all of my thoughts into the words i put down on paper I'm still learning, I'm learning about myself, my thoughts, I'm learning about the words i use, the words i overuse, and words i never use. everything i write might seem scrambled and confusing to others, because i write for her at times and i write for me at times, i never write for others because others can't understand. who or what did the first ancient Egyptians write for back in 3400bc? it's believed that they wrote for conveying information. is that why i write? its very similar in my eyes, i write so i can convey information to her and to myself.

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