~Chapter 07: Betrayed- Jayson's POV~

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"Should I find another smart guy?" Nathalie asked her friends.

"Are you sure you're letting go of Jayson? He's a smart guy and cute," one of her friends said.

"Yeah, she's right. Why would you cut off Jayson?"

"I've realized that I don't look good with a nerd. I want those hot guys like my classmate Luke," she replied.

I felt even more hurt when she mentioned that she was just using me to improve her grades in our subjects. She even told her friends,

"He's just a fool."

I left and returned to the classroom with a disheartened expression. I noticed Luke looking at me, but I didn't acknowledge him. Later, Nathalie approached me.

"Jayson, I'm already fine with Kathyrene. Oh, I almost forgot, can you help me answer our assignment?"

I couldn't look at her properly because I knew what she thought of me.

"Nathalie, you have Internet. Why don't you just Google it?" I said.

"Okay, fine, nerd!"

I ignored her for the rest of the afternoon. After dismissal, I cleaned the classroom as part of my duties as one of the cleaners. Luke approached me,

"I no-noticed earlier that you se-seemed upset. Are you okay?"

I simply said yes, and then Vincent came to call Luke because they were heading to the gym.

"We'll go ahead, Ja-Jayson."

Kathy arrived and asked if I wanted to join her for a trip to Baguio City, but I told her I needed to review in the library.

"Okay, Jay, I'll come with you," she said.

Inside the library, I shared with Kathy what I had overheard Nathalie saying about me.

"You used to say she's like Aphrodite, but for me, she's nothing but Medusa because she's a snake and a fake person. Like a snake, her behavior changes depending on who she's talking to! Eww!"

I didn't defend Nathalie against Kathy's comments. Kathy then told me that if Nathalie approached me for help, I should let her know.

Kathy left, and I waited for a jeepney at Acop. Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Kuya! It's grandma! She fainted!" Louie's tearful voice came through.

I frantically searched for an available jeepney, fearing I wouldn't make it home in time. I almost got hit by a car, but luckily someone pulled me back.


"Ar-Are you okay, Ja-Jayson?!"

Luke and Vincent were there. Tears welled up in my eyes because I didn't know what was happening at home. Luke immediately asked what had happened, and I explained everything to them.

"Really? Vi-Vincent, let's use your c-car," he said.

Vincent brought his car, and I joined them. We arrived at my house to find an ambulance outside. We rushed inside, where my siblings were talking to the paramedics.

"Sir! What happened?"

"Are you their older brother?"

"Yes," I replied.

They said grandma lost her consciousness while washing dishes. I asked where grandma was,

"She's resting in her room."

Louie went into grandma's room, and I thanked Luke and Vincent for getting me home quickly. Kathy arrived soon after, finding us. Luke, Vincent, and me sitting on the sofa.

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