chapter 3- welcoming banquet

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Vivians POV


We arrived at Hogwarts some time later and were now shuffling into the great hall for the welcoming banquet and sorting of the first years. I feel so exhausted from today's events but push through to the Hufflepuff table and plop myself down across from Zach and next to Hannah.

"It is finally time for us to figure out who will replace Dumbledore! Zach what is your final guess?" Hannah said to Zach.

"Hannah I already said I think it's gonna be Professor Mcgonagall, also this isn't some fun replacement for him... like you realize it was You-know-who who killed him last year." Zach whispered the last part incase anyone was eavesdropping.

"Ugh Zach you are no fun. I was just trying to lift the mood." Hannah frowned at him.

"Guys can we stop debating please I can't"- my scolding was interrupted by Hagrid yelling "SILENCE, please turn all your attention to Professor Minerva McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall started her speech that she declares at the beginning of each year.

'Welcome to Hogwarts. Before you take seats in the Great Hall for the start-of-term meal, you will be divided into your houses. Your house at Hogwarts will resemble your family while you are a student here, therefore the Sorting ceremony is immensely significant. Along with the other members of your house, you will share lessons, sleep in your dorm, and enjoy free time in the common area of your house."

"Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor are the names of the four houses. Every house has a distinguished past and a history of producing exceptional witches and wizards. Your victories at Hogwarts will give you house points; violating the rules will cost you house points. The house with the highest points at the conclusion of the year receives the prestigious House Cup. I hope every one of you will bring honor to the house that you are given.i hope that this year will be magnificent. Before starting the sorting ceremony I would like to take a moment to honor our previous headmaster who served so dutifully for many years."

Then Professor McGonagall took her wand out, sighed, and pointed to the ceiling. "to Albus Dumbledore, may we never forget you and your legacy." I could see the tears brimming in her eyes as she said this.

To be honest I was not close with him like Harry Potter or the golden trio. So was it sad? yes, however I was not impacted like they were.

After a moment of silence she cleared her throat. "As previously mentioned at the conclusion of the most recent academic semester, we tragically lost our headmaster. In light of that, the ministry has decided that I will take over as temporary headmaster while they are In the finalizing process of officially establishing someone. Therefore without further ado let the sorting begin."

I watch her remove the sorting hat from its pedestal and whip out the list of first years. I drown out the sound of the different names being read and the uproar of each house table when a new first year joins them. All I find myself focusing on is that absolutely infuriating blonde boy interacting with his friends. I whip my head around feeling flustered but turn back around just for a final glance when his eyes meet mine and I wonder who will break eye contact first.

Draco's POV

"YAY! Welcome to the best house!" Blaise and Pansy yell and clap as another little first year gets sorted into our house.

Oh to be a first year again. I can help but think that little me would be ashamed of the man I have become. I can't even justify my actions anymore. How I wish I could have been born in a different family. Maybe just maybe then I would have had a different fate.

I feel like someone is staring at me so I turn in the direction of the Hufflepuff table to once again see that girl. How I wish I knew her name. So preoccupied with thoughts I did not notice that she had turned around, and it took me a minute to realize that we were engaged in some sort of staring competition. I stared at her, unable to let go of the game. I couldn't help but be drawn to her, even though we were seated at completely different tables.

I have never felt anything like this before and it scares me.

She then, after what felt like hours, breaks eye contact and swiftly gets up and runs out of the hall.

Vivians POV

Before I knew it was running and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I ran to the nearest bathroom and started throwing up whatever contents I had in my stomach. Vivian what is wrong with you. I thought to myself as I slid down the bathroom stall wall onto the floor. One minute I was making intense eye contact with Him and the next I got hit with a wave of super intense nausea and panic.

Vivian you can sit for five more minutes then you will return to the great hall. I vowed to make this year perfect so I can't start it out like this. it was just nerves. I think this to myself as I still felt shaken by the dementor attack earlier.

I gathered myself and just started to head back to the great hall when I am halted by hearing someone say "Hello? if the girl I just caught staring at me is listening please show yourself." I step out of the bathroom and see him looking somewhat concerned. "Haha yep that's me." I say sheepishly looking at my feet. I feel his presence coming closer and he lifts my chin up and says."I appreciate for people to look at me when I speak to them. So tell me 'train girl' what is your name?" shocked by his sudden actions I stumble back and say "Um my name is Vivian Newman."

"Ahh Vivian is it?" he says with a grin. "Am I truly so revolting that just looking at my eyes causes you to vomit?" he snickers "Or did my attractiveness move you to flee, feeling unworthy in my presence?" I am shocked by his arrogance.

You got this Vivian! new year, new you be brave."

"You wanna know why I find you revolting? well maybe its the fact that you belittle people to make you feel somewhat better about yourself and the fact that you are nothing but a pureblood bastard." I say shoving him to the side and storming past.

"If you really think that insult is gonna hurt me darling you are mistaken. It is gonna have to take a lot more to hurt me." I hear him yell as I run away and toward my dorm room.

As I am climbing up the steps to the girls dormitories I get hit with a sudden realization...

I had heard my savior call me darling and he just called me darling... nope he definitely wouldn't save me. He clearly hates me...


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