chapter 1- summers end

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Vivians POV

I wake up to my mom busting into my room yelling "Vivian! you leave for Hogwarts in three days! why haven't you started packing your trunk?" I grunted and then rolled over and pulled the blankets over my head only to have them snatched back by my mom. "Vivian Anne Newman if you don't get out of this bed in the next five seconds I will rip you out of it!" I sighed sitting up "Mom what is with all the theatrics? its not that deep. Now give me my freaking blanket back and let me get back to the amazing dream I was having."

No literally I was dreaming about Blaise Zabini and I going out on a date to Hogsmeade and sharing a Butterbeer with two straws. like ah so dreamy.

I snap out of my dream state because my dad also decided now would be a good time to harass me about getting my stuff ready. "Vivian, you need to listen to your mother. I am not saying you have to pack today but can you at least clean up your room? it's a disaster." I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I guess I can get started but I just want to enjoy the last days of my summer before entering that form of hell." I say throwing myself back on my bed. "Vivian honey its your last year and then you are free. promise me you will make this year great?" "mhm" I said into my pillow. My parents left the room and I reached over to my list of materials needed for this school year and sighed.

ugh I have so much to do before heading back. I think to myself before giving up and curling up and going back to bed. I just want this school year to be over and it hasn't even started.

*day of departure for Hogwarts*

"Oh Vivian, our sweet girl. We will miss you so much I hope you have a great school year. Don't forget to send us letters about how you are doing. Also don't stress about your N.E.W.T.s we are proud of you either way." My dad says this to me as my mom can't speak because she is in tears. "yes, yes I know I will keep you posted. ok I really need to go. I love you guys too" I say giving them a big hug and then I depart for platform 9 3/4. I board the Hogwarts express and am searching so hard for my only friends Hannah Abbott and Zacharias smith. I am so distracted looking from train compartment to train compartments that I accidentally slam right into someone knocking us both to the floor.

"Oh gosh I am so sorry I didn't see you there." I say gathering my clothes that are now strewn all over the train floor. "Well you should watch where you are going next time, eh?" I hear this person say to me in a rude tone and I hear other people laugh. Offended I look up only to be met with icy gray eyes that belong to no one other than the infamous Draco Malfoy.

So caught up in my realization he snapped and said "are you going to finish picking up your panties and whatever else you packed in that hand-me-down suitcase or just gonna keep staring at me." I scoffed and said "or what? are you gonna make sure your father hears about this? Oh wait.. I actually don't care" he looked shocked by my brazen comment so much so he pushed by me and muttered under his breath "filthy little mud bloods." I was too lazy to yell at him again so I finished picking up my stuff and then finally found a compartment in which sat Hannah Abbott and Zacharias Smith I sighed and sunk into my seat.

This is gonna be a long term. I thought to myself as the train departed King's cross.

Draco's POV

"Draco, keep in mind the task I have assigned you. If you succeed, I'll let your father go; if you fail, I'll make sure you never see him again." Voldemort said while laughing maniacally..

I jerk awake covered in a cold sweat and my arm hurting. "Draco honey are you ok?" I was reliving what happened at the end of last year so intensely that I failed to notice that my mom had crept in to check on me. "Yes mum I am fine." she nodded but still stood there seeming to wait for me to say more. "Mum, truly I am fine. I am just stressed about the N.E.W.T.s."

I lie through my teeth. I am 17 years old and I am one of the dark lord's trusted members. I can't let my guard down. Love is weakness and the dark lord will prey on any weaknesses his followers have so I must live this way in order to protect myself.

"Ok dear." she hugged me and as she was near my ear she whispered "It's not your fault love." Good thing it was dark in my room because those very words threatened to make me succumb to all my emotions I had bottled up."Goodnight mum."

*day of departure for Hogwarts*

"Do you have everything you need, love?" my mom said, giving me one last look over. "Yes mum, I am all set." She gave me a hug and I patted her back. I feel bad because when I leave she has to just be alone with my brute of a father

"Ok Narcissa that is enough. He is no longer a child; he doesn't need your coddling." My father said, causing my mum to break her embrace around me and step back. "Draco let me walk you to platform 9 3/4. Narcissa, stay here." My mom looked saddened by my father's harsh words. "Love you mum. I will write soon I promise." I said in a cheerful voice to brighten her mood then turned to push my cart and hear whatever my father was about to say.

"Draco you must keep your focus on the dark lord's wishes and ignore any of your childish desires. You are no longer a child so you must act like a man and continue to pledge your loyalty. Do not reveal your mark to anyone. You hear me? Alright this is the platform, don't disappoint me son." My father faced me waiting for me to acknowledge his statement "yes father." I said as I made my way to the platform totally unready for the year that awaits me.

My father is sending his only son to Hogwarts in times such as these and all he has to say to me is don't disappoint me...this is already shaping up to be a terrible year.

I am looking for Crabbe and Goyle when I notice a distressed Hufflepuff girl flailing around clearly looking for someone. I ignore her and continue on my way when all of the sudden she bumps full force into me causing me to stumble and causing her old suitcase to dump all her clothes over the train cart.

She doesn't even look at me but acknowledges me enough to say "Oh gosh I am so sorry I didn't see you there." I scoffed because she clearly wasn't paying attention at all so I replied "Well you should watch where you are going next time, eh?" Then of course Crabbe and Goyle decide now is the best time to find me and chime in with their disgusting snickering.

She looks up to me and I am taken aback. She has the most gorgeous blue eyes and the cutest little sprinkling of freckles. how I wish I could stare at her all day. Draco what is going on with you. when I realized she had been staring I snapped at her to get her attention "are you going to finish picking up your panties and whatever else you packed in that hand-me-down suitcase or just gonna keep staring at me." I said to her even though I was equally staring. She puffed her chest and walked toward me "or what? Are you gonna make sure your father hears about this? Oh wait.. I actually don't care" she scoffed.

Man she is quite something I think to myself but then remember how I vowed to live my life so I nipped whatever feelings I had in the bud and pushed past her while making sure to whisper "filthy little mud bloods." Secretly hoping she would continue to argue with me but she accepted defeat and when I looked back she was gone...

Draco's dilemma: love or loyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now