Chapter 2

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5/11/1896: Unwelcomed

Dinner was always set at the table at 6 o'clock sharp, not too late, and not too early.

Mother taught the family well. Dinner must be prepared before 4:00 but must be on the table by 6 since most jobs end after mid-day. A lady must be well dressed at the table waiting for her husband, ready to prepare him a plate. The father eats first, then the children and then the mother. Mother taught the family well.

Being married to Arsen had it's struggles, he worked late at the hospital and most times when he came home, dinner would be cold...but I could never replace him. Arsen was a hard-working man, a loving man. He loved his children like they were his world but my mother...she never approved of him, even after everything. Arsen was different then all of us. A Hispanic man, standing at 5'8 with a beautiful tan complexion and beautiful dark auburn hair, he was everything I could ever dream of, but he was different then us and this upset my mother. I was her perfect child, but I chose them over my family.

- Drape Pictorial

Time: 11:11

There was a hard knock at the door. Dinner was being set at the table while Arsen stood up to go grab the door. I could hear hushed whispers, but I ignored them, simply pushing it off as another work visit from one of the residents at the hospital. 

"I just don't understand, how could it not be working." Arsen's worried voice alerted me. "You told me the formula was ready to work with. You told me it was successful Heisenberg so why are you telling me this now!" Doctor Heisenberg?

If you lived in this town, you knew who he was, there was no way you couldn't. His name was on every building, whispered in every corner, if it had something to do with Certis, his name was involved. Claude Heisenberg. He loomed over my husband only being two inches above him, but his intimidating stance was one that could power over the tallest of men. "Don't raise your voice at me Doctor. Don't forget that I am the only reason you're here." Heisenberg's voice was one that you couldn't misplace. He was an older man, pale skin similar to mine. Older than us being 2050 years old, his clothes rich of money, his hair brown, filled with greys, his face marked with scars. His deep Russian accent rang throughout the room. It could cut you like a knife, sending a shiver down any man's back that would dare come after him.

Arsen's face was one that many men wore. A face of fear? Worry? Afraid that with one wrong word could ruin the family's reputation. "It's just... all those document's that you've showed us, were they all fake? I mean come on Heisenberg, is anything that you've been doing real or are you just scamming us out of our money!" I could almost flinch at his words. I blame his human faults for not being able to keep his mouth shut. It's what I hated the most, never knowing when he was pushing the limits. He was furious. When Heisenberg told us about the failed attempts, we were shocked. He named himself an astonishing scientist, a doctor who only delivered us good news and now he was at our doorsteps telling us it was all lies.

"Look Dr. Arsen, I can see that you're angry so how about we calm down and talk about this like grownups." Peeping from the dining room, I could see Heisenberg trying to calm Arsen down, but it wasn't working.

"Don't try to tell me to calm down, my children are sick, and you made it seem like you were their only hope. We haven't been able to contact them or even ask where they are and for all we know they could be locked up in that mansion of yours. I should be calling the cops on you instead of hearing this!" THE COPS?! Has this man gone mad. All that will do is bring more hell fire upon us. I could see Arsen stepping towards Heisenberg trying to come off as intimidating, but the man didn't even flinch. True psychopath he was. Any normal man would be running for the hills knowing they messed with the Pictorial family, but not this man, he had to much power to even think about running let alone getting arrested. And what proof could we even lay down, the children are in this mess because of us, not him.

"Arsen, did your mother not teach you to never tell tales. You wouldn't do that to me, not after everything I've done for you and your family. I promised you money and fame and in return you would give me the failures that you call children. Our deal was I keep them until they're ready and you would receive any medication you would need for Victorian and if you tried anything, all would be lost, and we wouldn't want poor Victorian to be left all alone now would we?"

No. He wouldn't. Right? I was fuming hearing how he mocked us, our children. How could he use our poor baby against us.

Vic was very ill from birth. Doctors told us that it was an unknown illness and that he wasn't going to make it. We tried everything, from herbs to home medicines, we even tried getting help from doctors all over but none of them were able to help him. But one day we came across Dr. Heisenberg. He took care of Vic like he was his own, he gave him all types of medication from all over. At first, we doubted it but the next thing you know he was better than ever, he was walking and talking more than usual, but of course our happiness came at a price. 

"If you want Victorian to keep receiving these medications, you must make me a promise. I believe I have made it possible for normal children to be able to receive powers like us and I believe you have three perfectly human children." This is what you call the deal of a lifetime, but I was mother I could never do that. Right? My poor children are somewhere, nowhere to be found and it's my fault. But we thought it wouldn't be a bad thing for our children to inherit our powers, to be able to be a supernatural family like everybody else in this town, so we agreed. We continued receiving the medication and we were seeing some good change, months passed and Vic was up and running around like a normal child, his powers were regaining strength and he was able to have control without needing much support. Our children were with Heisenberg, but we were able to talk to them through letters and even see them face to face from time to time, but one day everything changed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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