Part 1

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Barry Allen and his nephew, Wally West got dressed in their uniforms. Barry became The Flash and Wally became the new Kid Flash. The two ran through the streets of Central City and knocked out a few robbers and thugs. They were heading to the nearby Jump City so that Wally West could join the newly created teen superhero team that Batman and Nightwing created, the Teen Titans. As they ran, Flash heard his communicator go off and listened. It was Superman's voice, and he was saying, "Barry, get back to The Hall of Justice, right now!" Flash replied, "Alright," and then turned to Kid Flash. "Yo Wally, you'll have to get to Jump City alone, Superman's calling me." Kid Flash nodded and ran faster as The Flash turned around and started running back to The Hall of Justice.

A Tale of Two FlashesWhere stories live. Discover now