First day, rising questions

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*Bingo 1st person POV*

As I walked up to my school, I scanned the crowd and tried to find a very familiar face. Looking around, I only recognized Buddy, Juniper, Sadie, Harley, Missy, Chucky, and both of the Jaspers.

I sighed. Lila wasn't here yet, and the bell was about to ring. I would just have to go against our plan and walk in alone. Into a place I barely knew. Full of people I barely knew.

At the very least I knew what classroom I had to go to. Sure, I needed Bluey to help me find it, but it was something.

As I walked into the somewhat depressing yet colorful school environment I would spend the rest of my year in, I tried locating my teacher. Eventually, my teacher walked in. I couldn't tell if she was a boy or a girl. He had short hair that could fit any gender, with light brown fur and darker brown spots over her back and ears. He was kind of fuzzy, but not as much as my Uncle Rad or Lila or Calypso. Her ears were bent over like Lucky's mom's was. His tail looked like Lila's but even fuzzier for some reason. She was wearing this pin with a bunch of colors on it, like a rainbow but with yellow, white, purple, and black instead.

"Good morning, class! My name is Jaiden, but you all can call me Mx. Jaiden" said my teacher. Immediately, my hand shot up. Mx. Jaiden called on me.

"What the HECK does Mx. mean? And are you a girl or a boy?" It sounded more rude than I had intended it to come out, but I was genuinely curious.

"I THINK THAT SHE SHOULD GO TO THE OFFICE," shouted some stupid male King Charles Spainiel. I looked back to glare at the kid, and Sadie, who sat near him, gave me an empathetic look.

"Well, I'm not a boy or a girl. Mx. means non-binary, which means that-" said Mx. Jaiden. Just as they were going to explain to us, a familiar white dog burst through the door.

"Ahhhh, so sorry i'm late, Bingo," said Lila.

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