The Beginning of everything

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Routine of Life... Many people despised routine, and Sung-woo was no exception.

He was a 17-year-old living in Korea, seemingly content with his average teenage life.
He had many loyal friends, a girlfriend, and a loving family.

However, as he grew older, he became increasingly careless with each passing day.
One morning, his mother's voice broke through his slumber, "Sung-woo, it's time for school! Wake up!"Sung-woo jolted awake and hurriedly prepared himself to leave the house.
"Love you, Mum," he called out as he rushed out the door.

He took his usual route to school, darting through shortcuts to save time.
Along the way, he noticed an unfamiliar alley, but paid it little mind as he passed through. Suddenly, the alley seemed to close in around him, trapping him in its unfamiliar shadows.
Little did Sung-woo know, this was just the beginning of a new chapter in his life...

Guys this is Kiros1213, Actually this is my first novel ever please comment and tell if there is something missing or if the story isn't that great.

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