Part 10

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Alex Albon

Alex Albon glanced at his phone, blinking at the unexpected notification. It was a message from Sarah, one of his closest friends and secret crush. Her words were slurred, filled with worry and confusion as she couldn't find her friends in the chaotic club scene.

Heart pounding, Alex didn't hesitate. He knew he had to make sure she was safe. Rushing to the club, he navigated through the crowd until he found Sarah, her eyes clouded with alcohol-induced haze.

"S-Sarah, are you okay?" Alex asked, concern lacing his voice as he gently guided her out of the club.

Sarah leaned on him for support, her words stumbling as she tried to explain her situation. In the dimly lit street, Alex couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked, even in her intoxicated state.

As they drove back, Sarah's hand brushed against his, sending shivers down Alex's spine. He tried to focus on the road, ignoring the temptation to give in to his feelings.

Suddenly, Sarah turned towards him, her eyes filled with unspoken emotions. "Alex, I... I've always liked you," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alex's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing as he processed her words. Despite the alcohol-fueled confession, he knew her feelings were genuine.

"I like you too, Sarah," Alex admitted, his voice soft yet sincere. But he couldn't let her act on her feelings while she was drunk.

Gently, he guided her inside his apartment, tucking her into bed with a warm blanket. As he watched her peaceful expression, Alex couldn't help but smile.

Tomorrow, when Sarah woke up with a clearer mind, he would tell her how he felt. But for now, he was content knowing that she was safe and that their feelings for each other were mutual. As they always say drunk words are just sober thoughts.

And those drunk words were clearly true as the next morning when Sarah smells the freshly cooked bacon and toast coming from her kitchen she's reminded of the very true words that were said last night in her drunker state.

He'd made her breakfast. Sarah could see the pillows and blanket sat on her lounge telling her that Alex had stayed over and now as he stood in the kitchen happily frying some bacon while humming along to what emma was sure was Taylor Swift she was filled with a sense of utter relief and joy. He stayed. He probably liked her back.

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