Part 3

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Oscar piastri

First race win

As Oscar crossed the finish line, the roar of the crowd echoed in his ears. He had done it. He had won his first race. The adrenaline surged through his veins as he pulled off his helmet, his heart pounding with exhilaration.

As he stepped out of the car, his eyes scanned the crowd until he spotted you - his girlfriend, standing there with a smile that lit up the entire race track. Without a second thought, he sprinted towards you, his heart overflowing with joy.

"Holy shit, you did it, Osc!" I exclaimed as he enveloped me in a sweaty, but ecstatic hug. He could feel my excitement matching his own, with my arms wrapping tightly around him.

"I can't believe it," Oscar said, his voice filled with elation. He knew this moment would be etched in his memory forever, the culmination of years of hard work and determination.

As we stood there, caught up in the euphoria of the moment, oblivious to the world around them. For Oscar, winning the race was incredible, he knew it was the best day of his life and would be until the day that he married you.

As we finally pulled apart, our eyes met, and in that moment, Oscar knew that this was just the beginning. Winning the race was amazing, but being with you made it truly unforgettable.

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