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AFTER WE GOT ALL EIGHTEEN VAMPIRES OUT OF THE HOUSE. the rest of us stayed in the Cullen's house. I paced around in the living room anxious waiting for my parents arrival

Jasper, Edward, Emmett were sat on the couch watching me pace around the room.

Bella was outside with Rosalie and Renesmee.

Jasper eyes followed me as I paced around them

"Darling, please sit down. You're making everyone dizzy." Jasper instruct to me softly

"No, you don't understand, I don't want my parents to think that I'm making a mistake." I told Jasper

He dropped his head

"You think...marrying me is a mistake." Jasper said looking at me

Edward coughed and Emmett cleared his throat as they both stood walking out of the living room leaving me and Jasper alone

I signed dropping my head

"You know that's not what I meant." I told Jasper quietly

"So what did you mean?" Jasper asked, I found his tone changing more stern

Jasper stood up stepping closer towards me

"You know, Delilah. I have been through a lot to be with you and now that we're finally here together, and finally are engaged, you're afraid of what your parents are gonna say." Jasper told me

I titled my head with furrowed eyebrows as I stared at my fiancé

"I have been through a lot to be with you too, don't forget at one point I was getting tracked down by a vampire who broke my ribs and put me in the hospital, and then I turn around and you're leaving forks with your family, and then I get turned! I'm freaking dead for crying out loud! And yes. I am scared of what my parents are gonna say, now that I'm engaged. My parent's opinion means a lot to me." I told Jasper

He shook his head at me

"I just want you to understand that marrying you is all I want. And what? If your parents say "No, I don't want you to marry Jasper." Are you gonna go through with that? Are you gonna not marry because they say so?" Jasper asked me

I was silent.

"My parent's didn't want me to get married so young. They wanted me to think on it. But when you asked me, I automatically said yes without thinking about them and how they would feel." I told him

"Right because you were being selfish, you had a right to say yes, you want to marry me, right?" Jasper asked me

"That's all I ever wanted." You told him quietly

"Then tell your parents that."

Jasper walked away from me, I knew he was upset with me. I hated when he was mad at me and so I knew I had to fix this, I had to make it right, even though so part of me knew my parents were gonna be upset, I needed to do what was right, and tell my parents that I'm engaged to the love of my life.

And on cue the doorbell rung


Short chapter...

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