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(A/N: sorry this chapter is really short but i tried to add more fluff into it soo yeah anyways enjoy ^^) 

Ch. 9

Nico's POV

It's 5pm which means it's time to board the bus.

"Bye Nico!" I heard Daisy say before running off to her friends.

I waved her goodbye and headed to my bus. Other there I saw people waiting for Mr. Holland to arrive. I also saw Ashton leaning on the side scrolling on his phone. I quickly made my way over there and stood next to Ashton.

"Is Mr. Holland here yet?" I asked, putting on my hoodie.

"No," he said, not looking up from his phone.

While waiting for Mr. Holland I decided to draw the sunset happening right in front of me. I've always loved sunsets even at a young age. I remember I used to drag my dad out at night to let me watch the sunset from the hill in our backyard. My dad built a bench just to watch sunsets together. I miss my dad.

"Nico you okay? You just started to zone out, "Ashton said looking up from his phone.

"Huh oh yeah" I said quietly, not looking at his eyes. Just thinking about my dad makes me tear up a bit.

Ashton frowned but nodded.

"Good Evening class! You guys can talk for a bit while I take role" Mr. Holland said, pulling out a sheet of paper.

"Eric and Jayden?"


"Hermione and Estella?"


"Ashton and Nico?" he asked.

"Here" we both said at the same time.

After taking a role call he instructed us to sit by our partner on the bus and plane.

Ashton's POV

"Can I have the window seat, please?" Nico asked me, giving me puppy eyes. I didn't even think he knew he was doing it.

I gulped but then nodded.

"Thank you" he said quietly and headed towards the back and sat at a window seat. I sat next to him and pulled out my phone and started watching Instagram stories. I saw that Chloe was going out again. I signed and put away my phone. I looked over and saw Nico resting his head on his hand looking out the window. The sun was just setting and Mr. Holland said we'd arrive at the airport around 8pm.

"Yo Ashton, why are you sittin' with the weird gay freak?" one of my 'friends' asked, laughing with Fred.

I looked over to Nico and saw him looking a little hurt, but tried not to show.

"Shut the fuck up terry." I growled looking back at them.

Terry started laughing more and I glared at him.

"I'm sorry Nico, I don't know why he said that," I said, looking apologetic.

"Its okay" he mumbled before taking out his phone.

I also took out my phone and started listening to music. I was about to sleep until I felt something on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Nico asleep. Why does he look kind of cute... wait what why am I saying this about him...? I sighed and closed my eyes.

I woke up 30 minutes before we had to leave. I looked over and saw him still asleep. I was debating whether to wake him up but he looked really tired. I sighed and let him rest for a little longer.

I noticed him move a little and snuggled more into my shoulder.


Wait what?

"Oh I'm so sorry Ashton I didn't realize" he said quietly, getting up.

"Haha it's fine you looked tired anyways" I said , chuckling a bit.

"How-how many more minutes until we arrive at the plane?" he asked, his hair a mess.

I chuckled a bit "30"

"Why are you laughing?" he pounted trying to look mad.

"your hair is a mess," I said, laughing a bit louder.

He tried to fix it but ended up making it worse. He grumbled but then gave up sinking back in his seat.

"Nico come here," I said.

He turned to me and cocked his head to the side. I ran my hands through his hair and made it look a little better.

"T-thanks" he said before laying back on his arm looking out the window. I nodded even though he probably didn't see. 

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