10: arguments

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Daisy had been dreading this moment since she had fell asleep last night

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Daisy had been dreading this moment since she had fell asleep last night. It was finally time to film a scene with none other than walker. The same walker who she hated. The same walker who glared at her whenever she walked past and rolled his eyes every time she spoke or laughed.

Of course there would be three of her close friends also present but that didn't stop the blonde from wanting to jump out of her trailer and run as far away as possible. She hadn't even known the guy for two weeks and he had already made being on set at the same time as him near impossible. Whether it be a snide remark or a dirty look he always found a way to get under daisy's skin and she was sure that today would be no different.

But she wasn't going to let him win today. She decided that as soon as she got to set and saw his face and the smirk his mouth held when he realised just how agitated he made the girl. She could feel his gaze on her as she walked over to mason and arianna but knew she had to ignore him or she would be giving him the reaction he wanted.

'Is he still staring at me?' Daisy asked her two friends as she trashed them.

'Uh yeah it's kinda creepy' replied arianna while peering over the blondes shoulder and sending walker a weird look.

'He's so fucking annoying'

'I know but don't let him have an affect on you. Just film these scenes and you don't have the talk to him after. Ok?'

Daisy sighed as she registered her friends words, 'yeh your right. Come on their gonna start filming in a sec'

The three walked towards their positions while the directors explained what they needed to do.

'So in this scene we're going to have daisy already in the office and then walkers gonna walk in they'll say their lines bla bla bla then mason and arianna are gonna walk in be all awkward then malachis gonna walk in jealous you'll sit down robert will come in badi bing baba boom. Got it?'

Daisy sat down in a chair in the fake office and began to get into character before the director yelled action.

the blond sat in the chair playing with her hair until she heard a sound behind her which caused her to turn around.


'hi aaron'

'uhm, it's been a while' said the curly haired boy.

'yeah it's been a while since you ditched me for your new friends and cheerleader girlfriend'

'look i'm sorry for that i shouldn't have just ditched you bu-'

he's cut off by two new people walking into the office.

They say the tests of their lines and once daisy's finished with hers she begins to zone out. She thinks about how hard it's going to be to act like she's in love with someone she hates. Even just acting for 2 minutes was hard enough how is she going to kiss him.

She's snapped out of her thoughts by a loud 'CUT' and she begins to move away from the set until she feels an arms grab her. The blond turned around to see who grabbed her only to be greeted by the boy she had grown to hate.

'Look, i know we don't get along but can you try to keep it professional and not hate me while we're filming' he said with a bored look on his face.

'Coming from the guy that glares at me every chance he gets.'

'God why are you so stubborn'

'Because your acting like i'm the problem' she says while getting closer and poking her finger to his chest.

'Quit acting like a princess and realise it takes two to argue'

'I fucking know that but your the one who's dragging it. You could've just apologised properly or not make it seem like the worst thing ever to kiss me!'

'Well maybe it is'

'Your so childish'

'Me? Childish? Says the girl throwing a hissy fit other a boy not wanting to kiss her'

'That isn't the reason i hate you'

'Oh yeah? What's the reason then'

'First of all, your rude and disrespectful. You think you're so much better than everyone else. Secondly, you're smug and treat other people like shit. Is that enough reason for you?'

The list was short compared to what the girl could've said but she wasn't prepared to stand there for two days straight to tell him everything she hated about him.

'Listen, linwood, i dont want to hate you but you make it really hard'

'I don't even know what that means but i'm done arguing so bye'

The girl waves as she walks towards Roberts car. The man gives her a questioning look as she gets in but she just waved him off feeling exhausted from shouting.

hey guys
did u miss me
i havent updated in agesss
tbh i'm out of my walker phase but i'll still write if y'all want me to.

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