5: fuck off scobbell

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Daisy hated early mornings with passion but she didn't mind if it meant she got to work on a movie

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Daisy hated early mornings with passion but she didn't mind if it meant she got to work on a movie. This morning she was awoken by her alarm at 6 am. Ryan had told her in the car yesterday that they had a script reading at 7 and to meet him downstairs at 6:50.

So, the blonde pulled herself out of bed into the bathroom and took a shower. Once washed she applied some light makeup and walked back into the room to pick out an outfit.

After 10 minutes she finally decided on grey sweatpants paired with a long sleeved black top. As she opened the door to leave she slipped on her favourite shoes, a pair of white crocs, and made her way to the hotel lobby.
At exactly 6:50 she stepped out of the elevator and greeted Ryan, mason and walker who were waiting for her in at the entrance.

After a short drive they arrived at set and followed Ryan towards a conference room filled with a large round desk that could seat atleast 20 people. The rest of the cast had already arrived and we're sat down waiting patiently for the meeting began. Daisy and the three boys found there seats and waited for Shawn to start.

'Hello everyone thank you for coming, not that you had a choice' he said with a lighthearted tone before continuing, 'In this meeting I will be giving you your scripts and we'll do a run through of the first few scenes you all have together'

Shawns assistant came around with the scripts and Daisy and her cast mates started to read them and learn about their characters.

'Hey look, there's a kiss scene. Who plays Lacey and Aaron' Malachi said as he looked around the table.

Daisy' head snapped up 'I'm Lacey' she said as she scanned everyone's faces to see who was playing her love interest.

'Oh god no'

The blonde actress was caught of guard at this voice and her eyes were directed to a certain curly haired boy. She glared at him and replied 'So I take it your the one playing Aaron,'

'Wow your smart' walker said, voice laced with sarcasm.

Daisy scowled at his response.

'Why is it a bad thing that we have a kiss scene?'

'It's not necessarily a bad thing it's just not ideal'

'And why's that?'

'Because I don't want to a kiss you'

The young actress was taken aback at the answer and very offended. She glared at the boy with hurt and hatred and he didn't have a drop of sympathy in his deep ocean blue eyes.

'Oh thanks walker,' she said as she rolled her eyes and turned to talk to mason who was sat next to her.

For the next hour and a half they went through the script and got to know eachother. Daisy had to admit it wasn't as boring as she thought it'd be due to the amount of jokes they all made as they got deeper into the script.

Afterwards, she was directed to her trailer were she sat and scrolled through TikTok. After about five minutes she heard a knock on her door and got up to open it. Once she did and she realised who was on the other side she almost slammed the door again but decided to see what he wanted.

'What do you wat walker'

'I wanna apologise'

'You embarrassed me in a room full of people and you think I'm just gonna get over it because you said sorry'

'Your making this a bigger thing than it needs to be'

'Maybe I am but atleast i didnt say i didnt wanna kiss you in a room full of your friends'

'God your so dramatic'

'If this is your idea of an apology then you need a reality check'

'Yeah whatever I shouldn't of even tried'

'Fuck off scobell'

'I'm just trying to be polite linwood'

'Well you've failed miserably'

With that he rolled his eyes and stormed out Daisy's trailer slamming the door behind him. The blonde girl sighed and slumped onto the couch.

Why did he have to be such a dick? They only just met and they already hated eachother. This is gonna be a fun few months.

I know it's a pathetic reason for them to hate eachother but I couldn't think of anything else.
I'm very happy and if you like this book comments or vote you don't have to but it really helps me to know if I should keep writing it.
Anyway I can't wait to start writing the filming I have so may ideas
This is kind of making me wanna right a book about the movie.

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