Randa nodded. "Yes, the graveyard. Its.. well, a graveyard. But not a normal one." She said.

Autistic shrugged, snorting.
"Nothing is normal here."

Cheese gave a nod of agreement, glancing at Lee, who was deep in thought.

"A not normal graveyard. My Biter might be there..." She mumbled. "Let's go!"

And so, all four of them went to the not normal graveyard...

The moon above them shone brightly, the sky a vast black inky-ness, stars twinkling in the sky

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The moon above them shone brightly, the sky a vast black inky-ness, stars twinkling in the sky.
Gray clouds lazily moved over the moon occasionally, making everything even darker. Randa opened the gate to the graveyard, it's hinges squeaking eerily.

"Man, someone should oil that." Cheese whispered.

The four of them silently entered the graveyard, looking around. Tomb stones were laid about everywhere, names etched into the stone, some having withering flowers next to them.

Lee felt a chill go down her spine. This was... unsettling.
Autistic walked up to a tomb stone, peering at the name on it.

"Wow, guys look at this." She whispered, gesturing for them to come over.

The other three hurried over quietly, peering at the tomb stone. It had a dozen withering roses around it, probably from a while ago.

The name etched on it was...


Lee and Cheese and Autistic glanced at one another. Randa frowned, her face a mask of grimness.

Cheese gulped uneasily, leaning closer to the tomb to run a hand along the etched name.

"Did... did you know this was here, Randa?"

Randa let out a soft sigh.

"...Yes. I did. I thought... maybe Lee's Biter came here to...Bitten."

Autistic blinked, her eyes watering.

"We should have never come here. You know how we feel about Bitten. And what happened to her."

She said, her voice wavering.

Lee nodded, closing her eyes for a second, then taking a deep breath, gaining her composure again.

"This was a good guess, Randa. But, I don't see my Biter here."

Cheese stood up, finally moving away from the tombstone.

"We can at least look around. Quickly. Just incase."

She said softly.

Everyone nodded slightly and mumbled agreement.
The mood was very somber now.

And so, the four them resumed their search for Lee's Biter.
They looked behind countless tombstones, inside graves, up trees, inside caskets, everywhere.

After a good long time of searching, the four of them met up at the center of the graveyard.

"This is useless." Lee sighed, covered in dirt from rummaging through graves.

Autistic raised one hand, smiling sadly.

"Let's not give up hope, Lee. We still have plenty of places to look! And it's still 4am, we have plenty of time!"

Randa and Cheese nodded, giving reassuring words like;

"Yeah! What she said!"

"We still have time!"

"You're so sigma!"

Lee looked around at all of them, giving a grateful grin, blinking softly.

"Thanks guys...I guess I am pretty sigma."

Cheese bounced up, raising one hand into the air.

"I have an idea of where we could go next!"

She declared.

Everyone turned to her, listening. Cheese glanced around, eyes wide.

"Oh.. uh, now everyone's looking at me." She said nervously. "Well, haha... There's this Pizza place I know. You're Biter might be there Lee!"

Lee perked up, smiling happily. "Really? Then let's go there!"

Everyone nodded and cheered, turning to go.

Lee paused, realizing something.
"Wait, guys! I have to do something before we leave."

She said softly.

She turned and went over to Bitten's tombstone. She kneeled down and patted the top of it, gazing at it sadly.

"See you around, Bitten. We all miss you."

She whispered softly.

She stood back up and brushed dirt off of herself.

"Okay, let's go now."

The four then left the not normal graveyard, and headed to the pizza place, Cheese helping them with the directions.

The four entered the pizza place, glancing around in wonder. Tables and booths were everywhere, all filled with people of all kinds. Lights flashed vibrantly, an arcade seen up ahead. There was a buffet near the front counter, where a worker at the register was scrolling through their phone. Cheese gestured for them to follow her.

They walked up to the counter, the smell of sausage and sauce thick in the air.

"Erm... excuse me, Ma'am?" Cheese said softly.

The worker didn't seem to hear her, and continued scrolling through her phone.
They all looked at one another.

Autistic screamed, startling about everyone in the place.

The worker blinked in shock at them, as if just realizing they were there.

"Oh, uh... yeah. How many?" She asked.

Lee raised one eyebrow, turning to look at her friends.
"I think she skipped pre-school." She whispered.

"Four. Four people." Randa spoke up, sighing.

The worker gave a nod, moving around the counter, walking past them.

"Please follow me, ladies."
She said.

All four of them glanced at one another, then did as she said.

They followed the lady.


Thank you for reading!! 😋 (Wonder what will happen next... 👀)

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