Chapter 3

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She didn't feel like searching for Shiggy and Nat, not after they abandoned her. So she went to her secret hideout instead. It wasn't much of a hideout — just the attic of an abandoned building near the orphanage — but it was secret and it was her's. The creaky boards, the fallen tree that pierced the roof, the spill of light across the leaf-cluttered floor. All of it was her's and her's alone.

Nobody knew about her hideout. Not Shiggy nor Nat nor even Leader. Just Nimi and the birds she sometimes fed crumbs to. She often came here during free time rather than sitting alone while watching everybody else play and talk and smile. She sat on the oak stool she had stolen long ago and pulled out the box and took out the pin. She held it up to the light, careful not to let the spikes pierce her.

Leader said she lacked courage, resolve, and initiative? Well, she had enough of all three to steal the pin. She had enough to sneak around the orphanage, go places the other kids dared not. But then again, she did always stay near Leader or other moon whistles during expeditions, just in case some monster attacked, even though they hung out where few artifacts were to be found. And during lunch Nimi would eat alone for fear that any group she approached would shoo her away and laugh at her.

But here in her hideout she felt safe. Nimi took out the pin and gazed at it again. She could hide the pin here. Ponhan and Meleka would never find it. But then what? Ferrying it back to Ozen seemed unimaginable. The monsters of the Abyss would rip her apart with no hesitation. Nimi ran her fingers along the pin and let the metal prick her. If she stuck this in herself would she really become super strong like Ozen? It looked so big. Maybe she could survive the second layer then, but then what? Ozen would want the pin back and the fishhooks meant it wasn't designed to come back out.

What if she ran away and sold it? But she only had ever known Orth and —


She jumped as a voice called her name. Shiggy? She peaked her head out of the broken roof and saw him and Nat wandering the forest looking for her. Nat must of noticed her movement because he glanced up and saw her.

"Look, she's up there."

Then before Nimi could stop them they came up. She heard them open the door and clamber up the stairs. And then they were there, violating her secret hideout. She wanted to scream at them to get out. To leave her alone. But she only sat there agape, pin help guiltily before her.

"Hey, this is a nice place," said Nat. "I didn't know it was here."

No, nobody did. That was the point. But they were supposed to be friends, so maybe it was okay. She should make them feel at hem. She only had one stool but offered it to Nat while she sat on the dusty ground.

"We were looking for you," said Shiggy. "What did Leader want?"

"Nothing," said Nimi.

"You still have the pin." said Nat, staring at it.

"I think Shiggy is right. I should return it. Sneak it back into the office I mean." Because what else could she do? The pin was trouble.

Shiggy nodded but Nat stood up so sudden that the stool fell over.

"No way. You need to bring it back to Ozen."

"You're just saying that because you want an update on Riko," said Shiggy.

"It's not just that." Nat turned to Nimi. "You want to be a white whistle, right? Becoming the apprentice of one is the most sure way of doing that. Look at Lyza — she apprenticed to Ozen and became one of the greatest delvers ever. Don't you think Ozen would accept an apprentice good enough to brave the second layer and return her artifact?"

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