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Ehmmm, so that just happened! What's her dealio? I guess she's just keeping it realio, going wifh the feelio...

School ended, as i was waiting for my parents to pick me up, i had the unnerving feeling that i was being watched. I looked around, but nobody was near. My parents are running kinda late, and it's getting dark outside.

"Oh my goodness gracious, is that a tail poking out of a bush?!"
-i thought to myself...

I think im being watched by a coyote? But do coyotes have green tails? Or is it a rabid dog?...i cant tell, im not good with animals...the cow goes poo, right? Anyway, maybe it's an exotic beast? I could probably get paid a lot if i catch it..I'm gonna go towards it.

As i walked towards the vibrant green tail, i heard a muscular voice yell at me:


Their voice was followed by a loud bang, and someone's toe-curling scream.

A girl wearing neon pink cat ears and a fake tail got up from the bush. She was crying.

I was shocked, it's like i was paralyzed, i couldn't even move a muscle, let alone hear her screams.

Someone approached me from behind, it was my mom. She grabbed me by the backpack and started shaking me. She was yelling, but I couldn't hear her. My dads stepped out of the vehicle and ran towards the bush, one of them fell on the body.

I don't remember what happened after that, from what i heard, the girl died. I can see her chiseled man jaw features, (while also being remotely female, im guessing shes a Hermaphrodit) when i close my eyes. I can't believe I witnessed a murder. We got a week off of school after that, the police had to investigate. Apparently the guy who shot her was a WWII veteran from texas, that had a history of hunting endangered animals. I find it ironic how he was there at the time and day she was pretending to be an animal....and stalking me....Tanya didn't speak to me after that, but I'm not sure why. I'd say i care, but i really don't. She's a lowlife cheesy-fingered, homosexual wombat, and she smells like garlic.

End of chapter three.

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