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  When Greg and Amy went back to the Monday and world, Kendall was sad but she wasn't too sad. At first it made Amy upset when she cried to Greg later on about it. "Well, she has the attention of one person who understands her magic and her powers. Amy side, "I know but it's still so sad. "Why?"  Greg asked.
  "I just worry that she will forget us. So Amy voicing for the first time how Kendall seemed to be so bonded to Tara quotation she will always love us as her parents. Said Greg softly to Amy. It's just that she has someone now who knows who she is. "About her Elven energy. "What do you think of that Tara woman? Amy asked Greg as they got ready for work the next morning. "She is dependable, reliable, and seems to be very loyal. Greg "but there's a sadness about her too. Said  Amy,almost as if she's been hollowed out. "Morgana and shamus told me about that. Greg sadly as they put on the clothes on  for the day and Craig poured coffee. "Apparently what happened was that Tara's life mate and her two children were killed saving elves from a forest fire.
  Amy shuddered it this "oh that's dreadful. She said sadly "yes it is. Said Greg drinking his coffee. "The important thing is that Kendall is being loved and cared for right now. "And even if we can't be there for her, at least we trust in Morgana and shamus and even Grove Haven. "I know Greg. Amy sadly, "but we haven't been with out Kendall ever. She said. "We are just going to have to get used to the fact that Kendall's life would be completely different from my own. Said Greg "I suppose that's what is making me so sad.
When they came back late Friday evening Kendall ran to Amy and Greg, throwing her arms around them both. She chattered mind to mind all the things she'd learned, even some of the Elven she'd learned from Tara. Tara came along slowly, almost tentatively. Amy smiled at her, "I want to thank you for taking care of Kendall." She said. Tara glanced at her hands, "Its my pleasure." She said. "She's a good little girl." "She's learning elven quickly and she's already begun to form her wings." "It will take about a month to form completely." then Amy saw the tiny bumps on Kendall's back. "Do they hurt?" Amy asked mind to mind, "No they don't hurt." Said Kendall equally smoothly.
Morgana came up and smiled at Greg and Amy. "The ritual to unblock your powers will take place tomorrow." "If you want that still that is?" She asked as Greg played with Kendall in the grass, "Yes of course." Said Amy as they watched her play. Morgana watched Kendall. "She looks much healthier than she did." Said Greg as he picked Kendall up. "The potion worked beautifully." Said Tara a bit shyly.
"Why is Tara so nervous?" Amy asked the next morning as she and Greg walked into a workroom that held crystals, herbs and other equipment, "Tara wants to be understood as not being Kendall's parent." "She's worried that you'll think she's taking over." Said Morgana, "She wants you to know that she loves Kendall and is doing her best for the girl." "But she also is worried that you'll think she's doing all the parenting." Greg nodded, "It makes sense." "But I don't know anything about raising an Elven child." "Tara would know more about that than we would." Amy nodded, "We've agreed that whatever Kendall needs, she has." "If its a matter of wants, well that's where we come in and decide what she gets."
Morgana nodded, "It will take time for Tara to relax then." "Now as far as your blocks go." Said Morgana, "It will be as simple as s seeing where they are." "Every Witch has his or her power come from a place in the body." "My power comes from the belly." "When I feel it stir inside me it comes from there." "When you are unblocked you might feel odd."
She strode to the center of the room and set up candles around in a circle. With a wave of the hand the candles lit. Then she began to cal out making gestures as she did, "I call earth rich and deep." "Awake now from your restful sleep!" Amy gasped as she felt the earth tremble beneath them. "I call air generous and free." "Awaken to us, so mote it be!" A soft perfumed air flowed around the circle. "I call fire burning heat and glorious with desire." "Awake and kindle our inner fire!" The candles leapt with flame until the golden bars rose several feet, encasing the circle in a cage of living flame.
"I call on water refreshing and cool." "Stir now from your ancient pool!" Chanted Morgana as a soft mist filled the circle shrouding the circle in a silvery fog. She went to Greg and asked, "Do you now claim the power of your blood?" Greg said, "I do claim my birth, my heritage and my rite of magic." Morgana placed her hand in his and said, "By the elements of power, let this man claim his power!" Greg shivered then glowed with light. Amy gasped. Then Morgana turned to her, "Do you claim your power?" Amy said clearing her throat, "I also claim who I am, what I am!" When Morgana placed her hand in Amy's and repeated the chant she felt a shiver pass through her and Greg gasped as she glowed.
When the circle had been lowered Morgana asked, "How do you both feel?" Greg said, "I feel, alive somehow, more, there." Amy nodded. "We'll have to find out what kind of Witches your are." "But you are on your way to living a magical life."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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