Chapter 8

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After everyone carefully planned for the movements of the two groups , both groups departed in two separate ways .

Momo's group have to go to the staircase on their right to get to the teacher's room while Yeji's group went on the opposite way .

" Goodluck guys and please stay safe ", everyone wished them luck

Both groups slowly and carefully open the front and back door quietly and went outside .

They looked around for awhile before mouthing goodluck to each other and went ahead with their mission .

Momo's group

Thanks to their petite and flexible bodies , they managed to quietly and skillfully dodge the zombies that are in their way

After awhile , they managed to reach the staircase . Luckily there was no zombies there which makes their job easier .

It took them only a few minutes to get to the teacher's room which they had to slide open as quietly as possible .

There were a few teachers who were infected inside so they had to crawl their way to the teacher's table with Mina leading them .

After searching for awhile , Mina finally found the hidden phones .

" Guys i found it ", she whispered

The 4 quickly rummage through each and everyone's phone but nothing seems to work . Most of the phones submitted by the students are fake and the other phones has a flat battery .

" Fuck nothing works ", Momo cursed

Suddenly , Chaeyoung saw another phone on top of the table . She went to retrieve it .

" Guys there's one more phone ", Chaeyoung announced

Everyone quickly turned to face her with hopeful eyes ,waiting patiently for her to give good news .

" It's working ", Chaeyoung whispered happily which makes the others celebrated

" Let's go now "

One by one stood up to go out when suddenly they saw the zombies running towards the opposite side .

" What's happening ? Why are they running to that side ? Isn't that where Yeji's group supposed to be ? ", Dahyun asked

" Shit , Yeji's group in trouble ", Mina said after seeing her friends fighting for their life

Flashback to Yeji's group

Everything was just going smoothly as they had planned. Each of them quietly passed by the zombies in front of them without any difficulties .

However , Ryujin accidentally stepped on a piece of glass that is sharp enough to go through her shoes and cut her skin

" Ah ", Ryujin tried not to winced in pain as loudly as possible but it managed to caught the attention of one of the zombies .

Ryujin almost shouted but Yeji reflexes was quick enough to cover her mouth .

' just look at me ' Yeji mouthed to ryujin

Ryujin listened to Yeji's order and just looked her in the eye . Without realising , her eyes went down to Yeji's lips that are half opened .

She almost leans in and kisses yeji if not because of I.N tapping them on the shoulder to signal that the zombie are gone .

Yeji quickly looked away and signalled Seungmin , who's in the front to continue walking .

However , what they didn't realised was there's another zombie in front of Seungmin .

When Seungmin turned around to continue walking up the stairs , he accidentally kissed the zombie in front of him which makes him shout in disgust . This attracted all the zombies in their way .

" Fuck , everyone run up NOW ! ", Yeji shouted

Yeji ran infront of Seungmin and hit the zombies away while ryujin took care of the back .

It was too much that they rarely move an inch . No matter how many times Yeji had to swing the stick to the zombies , more keep coming their way , same goes for ryujin .

Both ryujin and yeji was getting tired swinging the sticks so I.N and Seungmin tried to find another way out but it was pointless as both of their way out is covered with the bloody monster .

Just as they were about to give up , they saw the other team came to their rescue .

End of flashback

Momo and Chaeyoung helped Ryujin and Yeji to fight the zombies while Mina and Dahyun was already inside the storage room .

Dahyun tried to use her knowledge in robotics to make the drone while Mina was running around the room finding the things that is needed for Dahyun to possibly make a drone .

At the staircase , they realised that the number of zombies is not decreasing so Chaeyoung shouted ,

" I.N , Seungmin go to the storage room now and help Mina and Dahyun ! "

The said guys quickly ran up the stairs while the girls were trying their best to push the zombies back to make way for I.N and Seungmin to pass through .

" Yeji and Ryujin , run to the storage room now ", Momo shouted

" How about u two ? ", Yeji asked worriedly

" We will follow behind y'all ", Chaeyoung shouted

Yeji and Ryujin looked at each other before running up the stairs together , leaving Chaeyoung and Momo to fight the zombies alone .

" Momo , on the count of three . We run up together okey ", Chaeyoung had to shout due to the loud growling of the zombies

Momo nodded in response while waiting for Chaeyoung to count to three .

" 1... "

" 2... "

" Run ! ", Chaeyoung shouted

Momo quickly ran up the stairs . However when she turned around , Chaeyoung's figure was nowhere to be found behind her . She turned towards the staircase just to see Chaeyoung fighting alone in the middle of the stairs .

" What the fuckk , Chaeyoung ?! ", Momo shouted

" Don't worry about me , I can find a way out myself but they need u as a leader to guide them ", Chaeyoung shouted before running down the stairs , making unnecessary noises with the metal steel so that the zombies will follow her .

Momo's eyes were watery looking at the small figure who always risked herself to save her friends , slowly disappearing from her view .

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