Chapter 1: Origins

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A forest, far from the roads where civilization would grow. This is where our story shall begin. A story of loss, bonding, sacrificing, love, and family. A story of a boy who was able to grow because of his inner grief and loving soul.

The forest was as dark and cold as a forest could be. It was so dark and cold that not one human soul was willing to ever go into this forest. Tales of huge monsters and murderous witches, trolls, and beasts were told among every living soul, warning them to never set foot into the woods. At night, listening closely and quietly, the howls, screams, and groans of those monsters could be heard, foreshadowing the lurking dangers hiding in the shadows. And indeed, certain creatures - inhumane and capable of killing - hid well behind trees, under rocks, in caves. But even though the forest was as deadly and dangerous as it was, Jeongguk loved the little cave he and his family lived in. He has never been scared of what the forest might inhabit - it was his home and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

You see, Jeongguk himself was one of the inhumane creatures humankind was so afraid of. He was to become a strong, deadly werewolf. Like his mother and father were. And his big sister as well has just reached the age to present. Normally, werewolves lived in a pack - a family. All Jeongguk knew was that his family pack has been chased and finally killed by rogues. Those who lived had fled from their old pack grounds. Jeongguk didn't know any of his supposed pack members because he wasn't born when all of this happened. He has been only with his family for as long as he can remember. And he liked it this way. From what his parents told him, living with other wolves could be really stressful and nerve-racking. The dangers in a pack weren't less than when living without a pack, so why would he want one anyway? People - be it creatures of the forest or humankind - weren't exactly something Jeongguk craved.

No, all he needed was within the four walls of their cozy hut: His mother who always made the yummiest food and gave the best hugs in the world, his father who was as tough and cool as no one else Jeongguk had ever met (not that he met many people, but he was sure his father was the coolest person walking this planet), his older sister who always made jokes that had Jeongguk rolling on the floor and would teach him tricks to make his life a bit easier. He loved morning walks through the forest, the smell, the animals, and the berries he could eat on the way. Everything was perfect. The only thing that he desperately craved was his presentation - his coming-of-age.

Jeongguk didn't really know a lot about werewolf traditions (he would have been taught a lot about this in a pack, but who cares?). He knew that he could transform into a wolf - he already mastered this skill. He knew he and his family members were able to communicate through a mind link whenever necessary - he was also pretty good at that. He knew about his heightened senses and loved using them. He also knew that he would present when he was 18–9 years to go. And he knew there were different ranks. And here's where his knowledge has limits. Don't think his parents haven't told him about the ranks, because they certainly did. The problem was that ranks only really mattered in a pack, and since Jeongguk didn't have a pack, he wasn't really able to grasp the whole of this system. He did understand there were Alphas, leading the pack, Omegas, mostly there for care work and emotional support, and Betas, right hands of the alpha and sometimes Omegas. His mother was an Omega, while his father was an Alpha. His sister recently presented as an Omega as well. Fine. But what exactly did that mean? Everyone acted as always. No one was treated better or worse than the others. So, why exactly did ranks matter? Jeongguk wasn't sure he would ever be able to understand it. And he also didn't really care. He would have liked it to have a final solution, but since his family didn't focus on their ranks he took it as a sign to just leave the topic. However, he secretly wished to become an Omega. He wanted to be as cool as his Alpha father, yes, but he also admired his mother's and sister's empathy. He wanted to be as loving and nice and empathetic as them.

In general, Jeongguk lived a life he was really happy with. He didn't need anything to be changed. All he wished for was for him and his family to be as happy as they were forever. But his wish wasn't granted.

One night, Jeongguk was startled awake by his door slamming open. His mother ran into his room, pulled him out of his bed, and signed him to be very quiet. Jeongguk didn't understand what was going on. But suddenly he heard a growl. A long, dangerous growl. He froze and stared at his mother, who seemed just as scared as he was. Then they heard crashes, slams, groans, and howls. A rogue was in their house. There was an intruder.

Jeongguk helplessly looked at his mother. He knew what was happening: His father fought against a rogue to protect his family. But by the sounds of it, he wasn't on the winning end. Someone had to help him! Just when Jeongguk wanted to run to his father's help, his mother grabbed him.

„I need you and your sister to run. Do you understand?", she whispered. „What? Mom, no! I want to help.", Jeongguk desperately pleaded. His mother only smiled and kissed his forehead. Then she turned to Jeongguk's sister, who had just appeared beside them, a backpack on her back. „We love you both. Protect each other at all costs. Now go!", his mother looked at them for a last time before turning into a wolf and sprinting to her mate's side. Jeongguk struggled to run behind her, but his sister pulled him along, out of their window and into the night. They ran and ran for what felt like hours, only the moonlight guiding their way. When they found a little cave they deemed as being safe, they both snuggled into each other. That's when Jeongguk began to cry. Shortly after they had left their house, he heard whimpers. Whimpers one would give while dying. He knew that their parents were no longer alive. He and his sister were completely alone now. They had to survive no matter what, just as his parents had wanted them to. He made a silent promise to always keep his sister safe, to save her whenever there was danger, to even sacrifice his own life so that she could live for as long as possible. He wouldn't let his sister die, no matter what.

He stared at the moon, praying for the moon goddess to keep them safe, for their lives to somehow become happy again. And this time, his wish should be granted - with a little twist. 

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