Chapter 11 (Garden)

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The morning sun cast a golden hue over the castle grounds as Y/n stirred from her slumber, the soft rays filtering through the curtains of her guest room. With a yawn, she stretched her limbs and rose from her bed, a sense of anticipation tingling in the air.

As she made her way down to the dining hall, the aroma of freshly baked bread and brewing coffee filled her senses, coaxing a smile to her lips. The maids greeted her with warm smiles as she took her seat at the table, serving her breakfast with gentle efficiency.

But as Y/n finished her meal and looked around the dining hall, she couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled in her chest. Yoongi was nowhere to be found, his absence a stark reminder of the uncertainty that lingered between them.

Frowning slightly, Y/n approached one of the maids, her voice tinged with concern. "Excuse me, do you know where Yoongi is?"

The maid shook her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, miss. I haven't seen Master Yoongi this morning. He must be attending to his duties elsewhere in the castle."

Disheartened, Y/n thanked the maid and made her way outside, the cool breeze ruffling her hair as she wandered aimlessly through the garden. She found herself drawn to a secluded spot beneath a towering oak tree, the dappled sunlight dappling the ground in a mesmerizing dance.

 She found herself drawn to a secluded spot beneath a towering oak tree, the dappled sunlight dappling the ground in a mesmerizing dance

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As she settled onto the grass, her gaze drifted to the rows of vibrant roses that lined the garden path. She remembered Yoongi's fondness for nature, his love for the delicate blooms that adorned the castle grounds.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/n didn't notice the figure approaching until he was standing before her, a single rose held outstretched in his hand. Startled, she looked up to find Yoongi standing before her, his expression soft yet determined.

"Yoongi..." Y/n began, her voice trailing off as she met his gaze, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him.

Wordlessly, Yoongi knelt before her, offering her the rose with a gentle smile. "For you," he murmured, his eyes filled with an intensity that took her breath away.

As Y/n reached out to accept the rose, their fingers brushed against each other, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. In that moment, as their eyes locked in a silent exchange, Y/n felt a connection between them—a spark of something deep and undeniable.

And as they sat together beneath the shade of the oak tree, the world fading away around them, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settle over her. In Yoongi's presence, she felt understood, cherished, and truly alive.

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