Chapter 9 (Talk)

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Seated across from each other in the ornate living room, Y/n and Yoongi exchanged hesitant glances, the weight of their impending union hanging heavy in the air. It was their first meeting, a pivotal moment that would set the tone for the journey ahead.

With a nervous smile, Y/n cleared her throat, breaking the silence that lingered between them. "Yoongi, may I ask you a question?"

Yoongi inclined his head, his expression gentle yet guarded. "Of course, Y/n. Ask away."

Y/n took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking. "What is your fondest childhood memory? Something that brings a smile to your face whenever you think about it."

Yoongi's lips curved into a nostalgic smile as he reminisced. "One of my fondest memories is of spending summers by the lake with my family. We would picnic by the water's edge, laughing and playing games until the sun dipped below the horizon. Those were simpler times, filled with laughter and love."

Y/n's heart swelled at his words, a warmth spreading through her chest. "It sounds like a beautiful memory, Yoongi."

"It was," Yoongi agreed, his gaze softening as he met her eyes. "And what about you, Y/n? What is a cherished memory from your past?"

Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she considered her response. "One of my most cherished memories is of the festivals in my village. The air was alive with music and laughter, and for a brief moment, it felt as though the whole world was filled with joy. Those moments were rare but precious, and they remain etched in my heart."

Yoongi nodded thoughtfully, his eyes sparkling with interest. "It sounds like you had a wonderful upbringing, Y/n."

Y/n smiled softly, a sense of warmth enveloping her. "I did, in many ways. But enough about me. Tell me, Yoongi, what do you hope to achieve in the years to come? What dreams do you hold close to your heart?"

Yoongi's expression grew contemplative as he considered her question. "I hope to use my position and privilege to make a positive impact on the world—to help those in need, to champion causes close to my heart, and to leave behind a legacy of kindness and compassion."

Y/n's heart swelled with admiration at his words. "That's a noble aspiration, Yoongi. I have no doubt that you will achieve great things."

"And what about you, Y/n?" Yoongi asked, his gaze soft yet inquisitive. "What are your hopes and dreams for the future?"

Y/n's smile widened, a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "I hope to build a life filled with love and laughter, to create a home where everyone feels welcome and cherished. And most of all, I hope to embark on this journey with someone who shares my dreams and values—a partner who will stand by my side through thick and thin."

As their conversation continued, Y/n and Yoongi delved deeper into each other's lives, their questions and answers revealing layers of their personalities and aspirations. And as the evening drew to a close, they found themselves on the brink of a new chapter—a chapter filled with hope, promise, and the possibility of a love that would transcend time and space.

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